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This page is a near-comprehensive list of individuals who participate in the Worms Community. The list includes community members, developers of applications designed to be used with Worms games, map designers, and some current and former Team17 staff.

This list is primarily focused on the second-generation games - Worms 2, Worms Armageddon, and Worms World Party. For a list of individuals specifically linked with first-generation Worms games, see People (first generation).

Contents Top · 0–9 · A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Nickname Current Clan Location First Name Online Since (W2) Online Since (WA) Online Since (WWP) Related Pages & Notes
0!0–9 0 0 0       [top]
A A A A       [top]
AbdelioR Spain HW
Abdulkadir Turkey Abdulkadir 2012
AcerBis United States DSM's brother.
aCiReMa United States
AduN / disableNoise Chile Carlos 2006
Aenimic SFX UK (England) Lloyd
Afrohorse Team17 Staff
AgentOrange GiT UK (England) Rich
Agneau TdC France Fabien
AIF Finland
AireFresco ABF United States Frank
Akiman EiF
Akuryou13 United States Nathan
Al2cane Ireland Declan
Albino CKC Turkey Levent
Alex TdC Greece Alex
Alex13 PP Russia
aLiAs pB Italy
AliceinChains / AiC Germany Robert WMDB, Skyldpod's brother.
Alien sK Germany (Berlin) Stephan 2009 2008 nlF FoS dS trololo ;p
Almog Israel
Amazed NBR United States
Amitrix BeW Israel Amit
Amped CKC Canada DubC's brother
AnAmAt United States
AndrewTaylor UK (England) Andrew
Andy n00b
Andy Davidson UK (England) Andy Former Team17 staff, creator of Worms, programmer for all Amiga versions of the game.
AngryBeaver Mexico Hector
Angus bOr Italy Michele
AnimaL United States
Annelid PpZ United States Dennis Annelid's Underground
AnO Italy
AnT Brazil
Antares NNN
Antisocial4NTi50Ci4L cC Chile Panshop
AntmaN United States Not with us anymore.
Antrax France
Anubis sCa Germany Kai WALand
APJ Team17 Staff
ArcaDe WcD Germany Marcus
ArcBeetle Spain Ropa's best buddy.
Archael EiF
Ari DM Israel Noam's brother.
Asbest Ukraine 2009
Ash ABF Thailand?
AsiLL Turkey Buğra 2012 December
Ass9 United States Billy
Ataris pP
aTm MwC Canada 1998? 2000? aTm's Cheap Worms Site
Austria OSW Austria Christian
avirex dt United States Jeff
Awt New Zealand Timothy
AZ01 UK (England) Aaron
B B B B       [top]
Back2Skool UK (England)
Backwash TdC France
Bacon CKC
BadAss Germany Thomas
BadCereal Brazil
Badger GoD UK (England) Iain
Balee UT Hungary Balázs 2009 2007 2005? Worms Scheme Contest
Baloo UT Hungary Balázs
Bamboo URC Fake Japanese guy.
Bandit UK (England) Pop Idol contest.
BarmaN Poland Bartosz TPL
basicb4s1c BR map maker
Bassotto sK Italy
BathTubGin / BTG
Beast The Netherlands
Beat2k COW Sheep BnG
Beelz NBR
Beer bOr Portugal Tiago 2007
Beldrama xANKAx Sweden Jonas 2004 Co-Founder of xANKAxformerly known as Niceboy.
Ben Hutchings Developer of WormsShell for the Amiga version of Worms.
BenServ Israel Ben
benz Latvia Janis
BetongÅsna UK (England) Joseph 1998 1999 2001 Known as GXFlip until 2002
Beust French
Bierchen OaP
BigBilly aK Germany TUT
billygoatb1llygo4t SQD United States Billy 2007 map maker, uses xbox controller
biRe dP Brazil Vinicius
bitle Australia Juziu
Black Poland
BlAzE bOr Canada David
Blind AC Not with us anymore.
Blinx UK Gareth
Blitza Australia
BlizZard Canada / United States Jason
BlizZarD Germany Ferhat Killger's bro
BloG bOr Brazil serginho
Bloopy WwA New Zealand Paul 2003 1999 2003 BTP, TCB
BlueLion OSW Gerald
Bobafett EEK
Bod BB
BoG Romania
bolf / KiLL0r sCa Germany David
Bolo Italy
Bones sCa Germany Christian Plays Teewars!
Bonhert CKC Poland Wojtek 2004 2002
Bonz Austria Kaddour 2000 2000 2001 Dream17
breedybag UK (Scotland) 2005 iX, HWD, WMDB
Breeze Australia Jamie
brewer SiX United States Jesse
BroChris FWH UK Chris
Brujo Ecuador 2006 Rip: Was killed in Feb/2008.
Brodiel3rodie / Brodie NsK United States
Budl3ud / Bud GiT Scotland Jim
BuLL / crash Poland
Bunkz0 bOr United States Joe
Bunny dt United States
Burnquist NBR United States
buZz Germany Florian ESL
Byte UK (Scotland) Simon
Bytor NNN United States Chad
C C C C       [top]
C1 Canada Charlie
Cab xANKAx Sweden 2004 Founder of xANKAx
Cammy NTP United States Ashlee
CaptBagz United States
cArLOmBo cC Chile
Cassius Nicholas
Casso RoH Italy Alex 2007
Cavalier / TheCavalier Australia
CellBlock / KurupT United States David
CeVVaL rA Turkey Cevval
cHAKKmAN RoH Germany 2006 2006
chaosch4os Germany Lukas
Change MwC, EEK
Cerium t9 Sweden
CheechLizard COW Mayham
Cheese CF Germany Patrick 2005 2004
Chicken23 CKC UK & Sweden Tom
Chris Pritchard Developer of WormPrefs for WormsDC.
ChriSchi SFX Switzerland Chris
Chronos WWT Italy
Chupika WcD France
Clash / Spin ToP France
CleanAir Sascha Team17 Staff
Cleaver Sweden
Codex CF Germany Christian
CogKnome WwA Australia Robert
Conny xANKAx Sweden Conny 2004 Co-Founder of xANKAx. Past usernames: SubZero/Loathsome
Commie PpZ
Conan BUD
ConZ CKC UK (England) Sam
coolc0o1 Mexico Jose
Cowbanger / PopeonaRope SFX Canada
Crazy TdC Norway Bard 2002 2001
Crespo Portugal Founder of Crespo's Worms Tournament
Crime Noobzter's brother.
Crok Belgium Max Switzerland Incarnate.
ctoprakseven / ctoprak Turkey Çınar 2012 Triad's classmate. Coder in UC site.
Cueshark sCa UK (England) John
Custick AC US?
CyberShadow / CS Moldova Vladimir 2005 WA Developer, WKB, WormKit, etc.
Cynergy UK
D D D D       [top]
DakD4k cFc Venezuela
damightyd4m1ghty d4familia Belgium 2009
DaMoose Sweden & Australia
Dante005 Mexico Dante
Darasek CE Poland
Dario NNN Argentina Darío 2007 2004
DarK Germany René 2001 2002
DarKeYeS DM Ecuador Nayareth
DarkFoot GiT UK
Darkice AC United States
DaRK`X`LOrD RS Russia Alexander 2006 2005
Darkmaul RoH France 2006 2006 TUT
DarkMitch WHA Australia iX
DarkOne BeW, TdC The Netherlands Marc 1999 FB, WMDB, TCB, RRkit, WO, RR for Dummies, TUS
DarkShadow RS Russia Alexander 2008 2008
DaSandMan / DSM United States AcerBis's brother.
Dashade / Dash United States Brad Idiot.
Dave2K WwA UK (Wales) David
Deadcode United States David 2000 WA Developer
Deano dt UK (England) Dean
Death2U Norway
DeathCharge T17 United States Geno
DeathEve TEA Brazil
DeathRaven / Miysis PSU Danny
DeCo OaB Brazil
DeeJay The Netherlands
DeeJay Israel
DeeKay / DaKing Israel Dima
Demigod BFW United States
DENnis FD Germany DENnis 2009
Des Adam
Destroyer dP Denmark
Deus dP Serbia Dejan
Devastation OSW Germany Andreas
Devilage sL Chile Cristian 2001
DevH TEA Spain
DevilD3v1L DM Argentina
DevonMiles UK (England) 1998 1999 2008
dew Poland
Dextah090 / Scandalicius FWH The Netherlands Roger Anthony RRKit, TTRR
Diablodoc / Diablodoct0r DBL Norway  ?  ?  ?  ? Diablodoc's Blog, Café Otaku
Dibz bOr UK (England) Tom
DiD DMB Poland Pawel - 2003 2001 Gand's cousin.
Diddy WwA New Zealand Jared
Dig SFX UK (Wales) Will
Digo Brazil
Dilbert CKC Poland Patryk
Dimebag United States
Dimsum GiT United States RA
DirtyHarry UC Turkey 2012
Dionaea HoS Israel Tom
Dios AwE Spain
DioZ br0z Switzerland Paulo Founder of SeX; Inventor of 'King of the Hill'; nlF veteran; Brazilian SSR Champion 2008
DitTLi / Shawn Chile
Divine DD
dIZZY W2 roper.
DJKris Norway Founder of clan wwPd
Djoszee DM The Netherlands Jos
doben Germany Wolf 2007 iX, WMDB
DoctaShade UK (England)
DodgeFreak / DF CKC UK (England)
Dodgymat PSU
DogBoy / THeDoGG o2 France Simon 2000
DominioN WwA United States Brent
DontMess AC
Dope OSW UK (England) Martin
Dor Israel
Doritos bOr Brazil
DoTricky United States
Doubletime Sweden
Drago Australia
Drummer-C14 WC Brasil Leandro 2009-01
Drumstick Canada Patrick
DrunkDwarf / DD GiT
DubC CKC Canada Jon Amped's brother
Dulek CKC Poland
DumbBongChow United States South Korean who loves hosting and making Rubberworm schemes.
DweebDw33b SFX Canada Ryan
Dynamite pB UK (England)
E E E E       [top]
EliteFromHell / EFH
Elixer / Solixa United States Stevo
EmperorKermit United States Jason
Endo EiF United States
eNigMa yL UK
Entuser Russia Alexander Project X
Enty BeW Hungary Tamás 2003 WMDB
Erdwurm / prinz CF Germany Chris
Error404 Brazil Pilgo 2003
Etho / EthoCryptiC Canada
Etnies EiF
eth0 United States Tuna 2005
EviL UIS Colombia
EvilBunny DM The Netherlands
EvilOne wL France Fab
eVRiAL sK France Alex 2001 2004
Exorzist CKC Germany
Explorer Taiwan 2007? 2007?
F F F F       [top]
F-death dP Russia Valentine
Fabrousse France
Face pL Poland Piotr RRkit
Fada / Zippeurfou TdC France Marc 1999 2001
Fade2Black / F2B OTB
faLcoN dP New Zealand David
FantomX X Pakistan Fahd 2012
FastSniper ABF Canada 1999
Fatal EiF
FatalFanatic / FFie BeW Hungary Veronika 2001 WMDB, WO
FatWhitey Ev(erett)
fAya dP Fayaz
FBI feds United States
Fearless / Dynamic WwA RR maps.
Felipe TKD Brasil Felipe 2007
FellKnight OaP
Fenice NBR Costa Rica Johan 2011
Fighter dP Brazil Renato
FieryDeath HoS
FilthyAnimal TEA United States
Flamie / Hip United States & Lebanon Marc
Flash MwC UK
Flex dt France Loïc X-Worms
Flint CF Austria Valentin
FliPzTeR DwI Canada Byron
Flori CF France
FlowingWater / Franz SiX United States Erin/Mike X-Worms
Fluffy Australia
forcibly UK (England) Thomas 2006 2008 Went to school with Wiz!
Forza TdC France Sebastian FB
FFoXX Chile Jorge Ownless's brother.
FoX Chile Not to confuse with FFoXX
FoxHound Brazil Ivan 2009 2006 Warehouse of Scheme Creations (WoSC)
Fraggle UK (England) Laura
fr4nk sL Italy Francesco
frankenvorstadt Germany
Franpa Australia
Fredalot 4aM UK (England) Paul
Freeman2 bOr Finland Janu
Freeworm IWC Germany Dominik 1999 2002
Freez OSW Germany Marcus
FritzGuy WwA United States Fritz
Fudge Boy UK (England) James The Fiddler
Fudo Italy Rick
Funkadelic MwC United States
FutureWorm Josh
G G G G       [top]
Gabberarmy rA Austria
Gafman PSU UK
Gamma Brazil
Gand TdC Poland
Gangstas EiF
GAS Chile Gabriel iX
Geeno UK
Geniusma HoS Norway & China
GeOrGe Australia
GhettoRomeo TBH
Gh0sT / ShadoW UC Turkey Ahmet 2012 Killer's brother
GhostX GiT UK (England)
GJam SFX UK (England)
Glady TdC / KTC Spain Ivan
Glenn United States FB
Glide / G-Lite The Netherlands Stéphan WKB
Gnarboro United States Patrick Gnardogjay's brother
Gnardogjay United States Jason Gnarboro's brother
Gnork DM The Netherlands 2006 2001
Goaty NBR United States
god2k Germany
Goku x2x Poland Polony
Gonzo CF Germany Axel
Goro NBR
GracefuL / MsE BTK Sweden TUT
GranPC Spain
Graph PURE
GreeN b2b UK (England) Mark
GReEnGl2eEn / Green TdC Russia
Green TwT Turkey Ismet
Griffix The Netherlands
GrIm OTB United States
Guardian United States Michael FB, WWM
guaton TaG Chile Matías 2007
Gumdrop FWH UK (England)
Gundam Canada Gundam
Gunslinger47 OaP
H H H H       [top]
HakscH dP Germany Stefan
Hamster / Hammy TEA United States Ranks controversy.
HardTarget United States
Hardy Brazil
Hardy Slovenia
Hauserfritz CF Switzerland
Heisenberg sK Turkey Orhan 2009 2008
HelenOfTroy Australia
HereHeComes / HHC BFW The Netherlands Bart WL, HHCWP
Hermit TEA United States
HeroHolger Germany Holger
Horus Pn Brazil Horus 2001 Uses Turma do Chaves team.
Hosma / Aerolite Australia Trey
Hurenmeister / Powah bOr Germany
Husk TdC Finland Marko 2004 2002
Hybrid WwA New Zealand Joshua
HYPD OTB Australia Daniel 2003 2001
Hyspanic WAG
I I I I       [top]
IameaT dP United States Jim
Iceman GiT Canada (Newfoundland) Christopher
Ichiban RRp United States
IEatWormz / IEW DwI United States Troy
Iggy WwA Puerto Rico Nachin
IHaveRickets / Rix FLU Canada
IllBeBack / IBB SiX The Netherlands Peter WL, XRT
Impossible / Imp00 Ukraine Vadim 2009 SrV, sX, sm, oKz, BBC, WA-mems!
ImTheChampion / ITC HoS
Incognito Spain
InfestedWorm / IW WiB
Inspectadek WwA United States
inzsome / InZa Germany Daniel 2004 2005 2004
Ironduck Shopper
Irwlz CKC
IshAy KTC Israel Ishay 2007 2004
IsraAlien Israel Alon
J J J J       [top]
Jabba France
Jackass United States
Jagsfan5 TEA United States
Jakka NNN Germany
Jamandy / Jamikaze
JamesBond PpZ Paul
Jamie BRM UK Jamie
Jazza / Raz0r Banned from CL2K.
Jehuty United States WMDB, HWD, The Architect
Jerky -ll- Archmage's Story.
Jerry / Hakfinn Poland
JesusLives / JL RRp United States John
JeW JeW Israel
Jewsus United States Max 2001
Jeza FW
Jigsaw x2x Poland Luke
JiMi CKC UK (England)
Jmoberg United States Jason
JoE sF Canada Dave
Joetheeskimo5 United States Joe
JohnMcClane CF Germany
Johnmir NNN
Johnnquest EiF
Joker OaP
Jon Skeet UK (England) Jon 1997? 1999 Worms site, The Page of Light (yes, THE Jon Skeet)
Jot UK Josh
Jubei HoS Canada
Juggalo881 NoX
Juras GoD Estonia Juri
Juvenile HoS 1999
K K K K       [top]
K^2 Russia Konstantin
KaosKa0s OaP
Kaleu CF Brazil Wallison 2008
Kameelyan United States
Kamikaze x2x Canada
KamikazeBananze Alex
Karmadude UK (England) Rob
Katana DM Portugal
Kawoosh / KMZ Russia Pavel
Kayz NNN Germany Pascal 2000 2006
KeenBob W2 BnG'er.
Kefal Brazil
Kenwu Singapore 2002?
Kevin04 dP Germany Kevin never 2006 2003 A Worms Movie, WxW maps (among others)
Kez Canada Kerry
Khaostar KTC Spain
KikMasta MwC UK Paul
KilJaeden Ross TWU, Wormtopia
KillerInstinct / KI ELS Jamie
Killer UC Turkey Mehmet 2012 Gh0sT's brother.
KillerKonijN CKC
Killger Germany Fuat BlizZarD's bro
KinslayeR dP Poland Mateusz
Kiros 4aM The Netherlands Maarten FB
Kitsune Poland Karol 2008  ? Maciej's cousin
Kiyari SFX
Kklepto AC United States
Klvox UIS Chile 2008-01
KnightfoX CKC Chile
Kobe WON United States
Koen The Netherlands Koen 2002
Komodo / theKomodo / Komito db UK (Scotland) Dave 1999
Konar6 Czech Republic Zdeněk 2006
Konrad Poland 2002?
Kooper -aB- United States Case's Ladder
KooSh United States Brian
Koras NNN
KoreanRedDragon / KRD SFX Slovenia Gregor 1998 1999 2001 b2b, FB, REM, TCB, WT, X-Worms
kosmos VIW Spain 2007 2006
Kradie ob Norway 2014 ZaR
Kronik WwA Canada Ryan
Krow / theKrow
Krutgumman FWH Sweden Robin RR, korv.
KuarK WAM France nlF
Kufner Germany
KungPow WM` Brazil 2005
Kuniva SFX UK (England) Mike
Kurze20 Germany
L L L L       [top]
L4LoKul2A cFc Chile LW
LazyL4zy United States
lacoste / coste RoH Poland 2009 b2b,
LadyJane OaP
Lancelot / GadZeT Russia Den 2011 The Ultimate Knight. tS pH player.
Lapdarios Brazil
Lavabry CKC
Leadbob EiF United States
Lebworms TBH
Legend HEX
LeGio / LeGioPunK bS Brazil
Leroy / Tower cFc Spain Antonio
Leske wL South Africa & Brazil
LeTotalKiller UC France 2010 WKB, WO, some WA-related French translations.
Lex SFX Canada Alex 2000 1999 2001
Liberty / Anarchy EiF UK CL2K
LiegeLegend UK (Ireland)
LieT wnL WxW
LikwiD SFX United States Corey RA
LiNeS GoD Austria Daniel
Link HoS Norway Coolest Wormer of 2000 award.
LionHeart RR UK (England) Simon
LiquidSteak SwF
Lookias rod Germany
LordElectro Canada
LordHound CKC Ireland Oisin
LordZeteg MwC Canada & China Shenglong
Los7 England Steve
LostDreamer / Chloe SFX UK (England) Chloe
Luckyman wQw Poland
Lukzeh TaG Chile
LunaticAngel / LA OSW Germany Michael
Luther UK (England) Andrew Team17 Staff
Lux Canada Greg
LuxO TaG Chile
Lyriquid SFX UK (England) Michael James
lyte / slaw TdC / KTC Poland Slawek
M M M M       [top]
MentalM3ntal SFX UK (England) Liam W3D focus tester.
Mablak dt United States Cody X-Worms
Mac Poland
Maciej Poland Maciej never 2008  ? Kitsune's cousin
Macobsession Scott
Madden / Madskivex bOr UK (England) Michael 2000 2001 MULOCOWN
madewokherd United States Esme
MadHatter OaP
Madknifa UK (Scotland) Daniel BTP
MadMajek UK
MadSpeed / Zero
MaggotMagg0t a2r
MagicalHobo United States Dan
makaveli dP Mexico / United States Juan
MaKiaVeLiK Chile Cristobal LW
malas Sabat Poland Peter
MalevolentMalevol3nt DM Croatia
ManiacOfMadness / MoM BeW Greece Philipp 2008 a.k.a Mommy.
Marco NBR Canada Sebastien X-Worms
Markavian TFC John
Marlboro Richard
MarleY TdC Austria Max
Mashimaro / xMoGx SFX UK (England) Scott
MastA x2x
MasterG EiF
Masterguy TEA
MasterofDisaster / MoD sCa Germany Philipp 2001 WT has his movies.
MasterTool NNN
MattMrHat WAW
MavericK Poland
MaxDamage HoS Norway
Mayhem BFW United States
Maz / Ed Webb Edward Wormsmart [1]
MeDaL CF Germany Stefan
MEDVEDx64 / MEDVEDxEvilPunk Russia Andrey 2009 2008 WMDB profile page
Mega`Adnan / Chemical-X Pn Pakistan Adnan November, 2011
MegaworM PpZ United States Spence
Meiapaul CKC UK Paul
Melao bS Brazil
Melkor VW Chile Founder of LW
Melon UK (England) Kieran 2006 WKB monkey.
Memphis Australia Matthew BC
MeNaCeDoG EiF United States Frank | | 1997 | | 1997 | | 1997 | Top Rated Pro & T17 player (Novicane's step cousin)
Menson dP Poland Damian
Mentality dt Greece
Meow CL2K
Meszka PoD Poland Jakub
miguel cFc Chile LW
MihaiS sW Romania Mihai 2008
Mil2 SiX Chile Renato FB, WEL
MilesPrower Canada Diego 2006 2008 Most known younger WA player until now.
miner2049 CE United States Ollie WFW, Board Game
Mingau Brazil
Mini SiX The Netherlands Danny AL, IBB's and HHC's brother.
MissingMan AC United States
Misterags United States Eric
Mitzubishi x2x Canada
Mojo x2x Canada
monkm0nk sL / LoR UK (England) Dan
MookMo0k Norway
Molson NBR Canada?
Monkeh / FunkyMonkey Australia
MonkeyDuck CKC
MonkeyIsland dP Iran Alborz The Ultimate Site
moO Australia Wasn't there another, less female Moo?
Moose NBR Canada
MoP CE Canada Brandon
Mosh Israel
MPH OSW UK (England) Martin Elite
Mr.Fréãzè  ? author of X·Terrain, Worms 2 software
MrBad / Mr.X Ukraine / Australia Alexander 2004 2003 Russian Worms fan site
MrBishie PSU
MrBlacksgy France WAG
MrBlood UK (Ireland)
MrBunsy UK (England) Luke
MrChupidi CE Finland Mikko
MrE BTK Sweden Tom
MrFlump Allan Armageditor
MrLee OSW UK (England) Lee
MrMonkey Sweden
MrQuotes TEA
MrTPenguin UK Robert
MteaM SUSUII New Zealand
MtlAngelus Mexico Angel
MunE / Viper wnL Australia
Munk (Brazilian) bF Brazil
Muzer UK Murray
MystikaL United States
N N N N       [top]
NachWN AwE Spain
Nahkis o2 Finland Toni
NAiL bOr UK (England) WMDB, BR
Name Infamous!
Nando BkM Germany
Nano TdC / wnL Estonia Vitali 2006 2004
Nate PpZ United States Nate
Natural bOr United States Eric OldSock's brother.
NetniK OaP
Neuro Poland
NeXiLe BFW Canada Matt 2001 joined #worms on 2011-03-07; talked to Lex
NghtSnip SFX
NickyNick Ukraine Nick
NightFlash SUSUII Belgium Kevin Tiger's brother.
Nino o2 Brazil Mârio
Nivman dt Israel Niv
Noam TdC Israel Noam
NoLimit United States
NoName MwC
Noobzter Crime's brother.
NormalPRO Russia Dimitry
NotWorthy Poland
Novicane DwI menacedog's step cousin
Nutter / Sniper Dale Team17 Staff, The Allotment
NvM cFc Chile Luis
Nyquist OSW Ben
NZKiwi AC New Zealand Alicia
O O O O       [top]
oijogja CKC United States Erik
OkeyTokey PROD Canada
okei cFc Mexico Iovanni Roper <3
OldHacker Israel
OldSock bOr United States Jeff Natural's bro
Omerta' Holland Leo 2006 2002
OrangE nGr Italy 2008
OrangeKid GQ
Orbik Finland
OREL RS Russia Pavel 2007
OutofOrder / AutoFord cFc Argentina Tom 2001 LW, CsU rulez!
Over  sX Ukraine Andrei 2010 xSQDx
Ownless cFc Chile Gonzalo X-Worms, FFoXX's brother
P P P P       [top]
Pac-Man 2005 2005 2005 Useless douchebag.
Pacewon OTB
Panik x2x CL2K sig guru.
PaPa TdC Greece Alexander
Parasite42 Cracked WWP.
Parker WWW UK (England)
ParsnipMan UK (England) Wormiverse
patricio cFc Chile Patricio 2004
Paul.Power UK (England) Paul RVG
PcJunky SIR Germany
Perfect BFW United States WWM
Persuader EiF
PeTaZeTa AwE Spain Founder of AwE
Peti Hungary
Phanty NBR United States
Phazon PpZ
PhaZor / Wormy ABF Australia
Phil BB
Philby Phillip
Phuse DwI
Pi HoS Canada
Pigbuster Jack
PigLetPigL3t DM Germany
Pilau ReW Israel Tom 2001 aka xReWxpilau
PinguiM / Cyberkan o2 Brazil
Pinok was a good WA rope-racer around 2002
Pioneer322 United States Andrew BTP
pTymN/PirstTymer EiF USA Tim 1999 author of RopeBurn in 2001, an early third-party WA-like roping engine
Pisto / xNaNxPisto Italy Lorenzo RubberWorm
PitchBlack OTB
PizZa CF Germany
Ploegman United States
Plutonic DM UK Chris  ? 1999 2001 Worms Clan Council, MapGEN
Pollack OTB
PooMachine / Bamboozle PSU UK (England) Ian CL2K
Powerslave IWC Germany Chris
PPower The Allotment?
Porndog PSU United States
Prankster nW Hungary Gyuri
Prebba GoD Norway Preben
PsyDome HoS
Psymon UK (England) Robert
Pumasexer HEX United States
PunisheR ip
PunkmaN T5X Mexico
Pure / Magic qp United States Ryan QP clan thingy.
Q Q Q Q       [top]
QuadHammer Australia
QuasiQubit RRp Canada
Quickdraw Poland Lucas
QuietStorm AC United States
QuiK UK (England) Andy
R R R R       [top]
Rafalus NNN Poland
Rafter 1999
RaiiZ TdC / LoR Sweden Kimz
Rainer The Netherlands
Raja TiR
Ramb0 CF Germany Keno
ramirez sCa Germany Max
Ramone Serbia b2b
Random00 SiX Germany Sebastian
Ransom Christopher Poor, poor Ransom.
RasH / Teubber TdC France
Rat Australia Daniel
Raven AC
RazE Romania Cosmin
RazeRay PpZ Ray
Ravenblack Turkey 2013 Triad's classmate.
Rdogg United States FB
ReadMe UK Glen BTP
Real GiT Finland
Realistic GiT United States
Rebell sCa Germany Markus
RedBull GoD Germany Alex
Reddo HoS
Redice NBR United States
Redline UK (England) Jamie Not with us anymore.
RedHeadedDonkey / RHD feds United States
redruM WON UK
RedWraith UpP Germany
Regulator ip UK (England) Simon 2004 2006 Case's Ladder
Resonance CKC, ELS UK (England) Adam James
Revenge WWB UK
Revival W2 roper.
RexNocte CKC
RichUK Pn United States Richard N/A ProNoobs clan founder.
RickyDavda UK (England) Ricky Invented chicken vindaloo curry.
Ringmasta WwA Canada Phil
Rioter / R1ot3r GiT UK (England) Matt 2001 2006 TUT Admin, Worms Quote Database!
RobDaZombie GiT BR
Robi FNI France Robin FTM
RobOne4 HEX
rollman / f4st CKC Spain
Rok RoH Slovenia
Ronaldinho France PWL
r00t / GaryColman United States Frank
Ropa / Yakuza cFc Spain Adolfo WACL, WL, TPL, XTC
ROPADUDER0P4DUD3 RRp United States Peter
RopeR Norway
RoperM GiT
RoX Spain
Rufio HoS
Run WWW UK (England) James never 2001 never Nanacide
rUNaW4y sK IT (Italy) Alexandr never 2012 never Roper, BigRR maps maker
Runario GoD Norway Runar
Ryan CKC UK (Wales) Ryan RR
Ryno SFX Canada Ryan
S S S S       [top]
S*natch W2 patch.
SacrificialLamb PROD United States 2000
Sally BeW Hungary Orsolya Enty's sister.
saltyk9 NBR United States Clint
SammyJ SFX Canada Sammy
Santander sW Sweden christian
SargeMcCluck WWW UK & Sweden Alex CL2K
Savage dP Turkey
Scheissedeggel / Schiessa Germany Steffen
Scorpion EiF Canada
Scribe New Zealand Michael
seBa TaG Chile Sebastián
Seer Sweden
Seita France Émeric
Sel Team17 Staff
Senator TdC Finland 2008 2001
Sensei HCP Croatia Toni 2012 Twitch / Discord Server
SephirothYuYx United States
Servadac 1999 Friend of Jon Skeet; mentioned on The Page of Light's WA mission guide
sfNOrds SIR Germany
SharKSh4rK / p4piSh4rK Chile Sebastian
Shadow FWH UK Chris
Shadow6x UIS Argentina E.
ShadowGods MwC
sHaDoWMaN Uruguay Tiago 2009 WMDB
ShadyMilkman NBR United States Jonathan
Shamballa United States Alex
Shamrock United States Ryan
Shark / Nakra iP Germany Karol
Shayxpere Fort
Sheepman CKC UK
ShellShock RRp United States Cam
Sheridan SFX
Sherriff NBR United States
Shimon TdC Israel Shimon
Shirdel UK (England)
ShootMe BeW United States Matt WMDB, WormMM
ShOpPaGiRl RoH Israel 2007 2005
ShyGuy wL United States Matt
Si Simon ProSnooper
sic NBR United States
Sic0 GiT UK Harv
Sikz CsC UK
SilentMime HEX United States
silver86 Poland Barbara
SirGorash NNN Argentina
SirJuice CKC Poland 2007 2003
SirSmokeAlot / SSA CKC
Sk8n HoS, CKC
Skaters / Natural AC United States
Skel / Skeletore SFX UK Gordy Strategist's brother.
Skidogg AC
skime RoH Poland Mateusz
Skippa CKC Canada John
sKuNk3 HEX United States Skunk17 scheme.
Skyldpod URC Germany Thomas AiC's brother.
Slayer sCa Germany Benny
Sleepek Poland
Slick Andrew
Slothball / Sloth PSU Rich CL2K
Smack WcD Australia
Smkin / SmkinBlunts PROD
Snap W2 roper.
Sneak CsC
Snoop s2k United States
Snoots UK (England) Sam 2008 2007 Allegedly Koen's brother.
Snowball x2x Canada Laurent
Soczek wwp Poland Marcin
Soda United States Liam
SoLo cFc Spain Daniel LW, XTC
SomePerson Brian
Sonic SFX
Sonic / STE Turkey Serkan
Soos2soos2 Lebanon Edrees 2009-12 Soos' YT channel
Soulkeeper OaP
Sound sK Finland Toni 2010
Spaazi CE Canada
Spadge UK (England) Martyn Former Team17 Staff (quit in 2011)
Spadge NBR United States
Spadge OTB Tyler
Spalding iP Germany
Spartacus GiT UK
SPAZ UK (England) Daniel
Spectre MAFIA Austria Peter WF
sPid3Yo PpZ
SpideR SiX Brazil
Spitfire RR Croatia Davor
Splapp Glenn
Splat IWC Germany
Split BTP United States Tyler 2004 2003 BlameThePixel
Splongul WWW UK Jeremy
Sportsguy / Ntensity
SPW CF Switzerland Dany
Squiffel Lyndon Bungee Race
Squirminator2k / S2k UK & United States Ben 1999 2000 2001 Dream17, WKB
StoneySt0ney LiH Germany
StarleT GiT Canada Elisa
StarWorms UK (England) Andrew
StaticX WwA United States
SteakGriller dP Germany René
Stealth United States iX
StepS / Stepanesss che Russia Stepan 2014 2009 2010
stepz sCa Germany Kevin
Stormy Brazil Adriana
Strategist WWW UK Andy CL2K, Skel's brother.
Stratovarius TEA Brazil RR maps.
StreakMark GiT UK Mark?
sv1n NSK Russia
SunDog COW
Supafly x2x
Superhip / SH NBR Canada Jon
SupremE NBR Germany
SupSuper Portugal Daniel 2003 Dream17
Syc / Syco UK (England) Will 1999
Syc0 SFX United States Conner FB
syztem CKC United States
T T T T       [top]
Tambuz VW Chile CsU rulez!
TanLejos VW Chile
Tapeworm Brazil
TapstaR nGr Australia Ruby 2009
Tempest CsC UK (England)
Tenchi sL United States Justin
Tendou W2 roper.
Tenor Spain
TheAbdBoy Canada Alfred 2001 BTP
Thecandyman UK (England) Adam
TheChipmunk United States
theFlash MwC UK
TheGoremaster / Gore X Germany 2000 2001 Holz
TheMeX / MeX Mexico
TheOne NBR United States
ThePIT Poland
ThePope UK (England) Ivan
TheReaper CsC UK (England) Rob
theredi TdC Poland Krzych 1999 2001
TheWho NBR United States
ThisWayUp / TWU
Thorask / DancingOmelette WWW UK (Ireland) Niall 1999 2000 CL2K / Wormiverse
TiesTo OaP
Tiger SUSUII Belgium Ken NightFlash's brother.
TigerTjader Brazil Rodrigo
Tirpir Russia
Titahemp Brazil
Tjerp SFX The Netherlands Roger WickeD's brother.
TMate UT Hungary Máté 2007
Tombstone OSW Germany Michael
Tonedef EiF United States
TonY MwC United States & Russia Tony RRKit, BIT map archive
TorMenT W2 BnG'er.
Toto MDS Made a snooper.
ToxiC o2 United States
ToxIDuS sCa Germany Thomas
TronTr0n OaP Slovenia
Tradacee mC Germany Toni
Triad UC Turkey Alp 2009 2008 Founder and leader of UC, dS co-leader.
Trippenz Australia WACE
triX PSU UK Mark CL2K, triX Files
TSR / Pingu 4aM UK (England) Chris FB, Fort activist.
TuraN CKC, EiF Germany Sören
Turtle NBR
Tuscan a2r
Tweenies BkM Germany Martin
Twistah bOr Germany Sandro
Twizted United States
Twyrfher TaG Chile LW
U U U U       [top]
uLeaD SiX Greece Was there also a Lead?
UltraViolent PSU UK (England) Arran CL2K, M3ntal's brother.
Ultraviolet / iddemirkan UC Turkey İsmail 2012
Unique CF The Netherlands Robin 2007
Unique TwT Turkey
Unit DM The Netherlands
UnknowN / Alien Australia
UpRaW United States Jamie
UZII dP The Netherlands Imad
V V V V       [top]
Vader COW UK Stefan
Vahagn SFX Australia Christian WMMT
Vako Canada Eric Lex's brother.
van RoH Poland 2007 2006
Vantage NBR
VarialHeelFlip / VHF WwA United States Eric
Veg James XTC, WSL, WV
Vega WwA United States Nick
Vehn Italy Anto 2012 2005
Vertigo cB UK & Bulgaria Roman TPL
VesuVio SFX Germany Julian
ViolatoR United States
ViolentMime BnGK
Volcane / Volcadmin David Team17 Staff
VolcoM T5X Mexico Alex
Volrin NBR United States
Voltage IWC Finland
W W W W       [top]
Wahnfried Germany Jens
Walrus / Wally NBR United States BR
Wargod NBR Canada Ryan X-Worms
Wario HoS
WatchMeGo / WMG
Weird MPK UK (Ireland)
WhiteRqbbit mC Germany Michael
WickeD SFX The Netherlands Tjerp's brother.
WickedWorm GiT UK
WildWilly WAW UK Nate 1997 or 1998 1999 joined Dojo Discord on 2020-07-21; talked to Lex; reminisced about CoLoN, W2 roping, and the WACL days
WishMasterAlpha / WMA DD
Wisley VW Chile LW
Wiz sCa UK (England) Robert Ginger Innovations
Wizard69 EiF
Woim United States
Wooka CKC United States Brian
wormassassin dP United States Scott
worMatty UK (England) Matthew 1997 1999 2001 Concentration Camp, Wackegical, Bazooka Network, Worms Think Tank, The Allotment, WormTown, WURMZ, Dream17, that can be recalled.
Wormer dP Canada Ryan
Wormetti Australia
wormfoodwormf00d Slovenia
Wormgamer UC Bulgaria
WormGurlie EEK United States AnimaL's sister.
Wormiverse RoH Denmark 2005 2003 Leader of RoH.
Wol2mkill4 FWH UK (England)
WormMad Euan
Wormpal2 HoS Norway 1999
Wormwood PURE United States
wormystormy UC Turkey Faik
WormZ / Noodles WWW UK (England) Ian CL2K
Wraith WwA United States Brian
Wriggler NNN United States Joel
Wyvern SFX Germany Martin 2005 2005 TCB, WT
Wza / Zard / Berserk dt United States Bert
X X X X       [top]
X101 CE UK (England) Dave FB, RR-Gen
Xaositect Australia
xDragonfirex WPA France
xDaRKx cC Chile
XenonXen0n Kuwait
Xephar Fort
Xinos Erik
xLo CKC Poland Mateusz
XoToX Poland
XPS DM United States
Xray99 CF Hungary 2008 2007 Hungarian Worms: Armageddon Portal
Xrayez che Ukraine Andrii 2012 Hysteria Forever
xtc Poland 2009
XxcrashR95xX Turkey Kerim 2012
Y Y Y Y       [top]
Yanme'e TdC
Z Z Z Z       [top]
Zealous UK?
Zem UC Turkey 2012 Played with him only 5 games in 1 day, never saw him later. Probably he is dead. -Triad
Zemke NNN Germany Florian 2008 CWT
Zepho CL2K
zepicfail UC Turkey Zeynep 2013
Zero72 Justin
ZexorZ UC Poland Milan 1 May 11 -> 25 Sep 11 13 Jan 2010 8 Dec 11
ZiGo W2 BnG'er.
ZiPpO Brazil
Zippy United States Nick
Zipster OSW Garrett
ZloiAdun OaP
Zmiennik Poland
Zogger TaG Argentina
ZoGgEr! UK (England) Matt BTP
Zoombapup Phil The Allotment?
Zoons OSW Chris
Zorro CKC
Zyco TdC Sweden Jonte