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(More terms (missing definition).)
(More terms.)
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| '''Sitter''' || Grenade, Sit, Seat, Stop, Stay, Waiting, Fuse, Time, Timer ||
| '''Sitter''' || Grenade, Sit, Seat, Stop, Stay, Waiting, Fuse, Time, Timer ||
| '''Block''' || Imprison, Block, Stuck, Jail, Impede, Delay ||
| '''Body block''' || Worm, Hitbox, Collision mask, Stuck, Impede, Delay ||

Revision as of 19:56, 1 December 2024

In Worms community some unique terms are often used in WormNET, having different meanings. The purpose of this page is to list and clarify these words.

Term Associated word(s) Meaning
Zook Bazooka Short for Bazooka.
Nade Grenade Short for Grenade.
Chute Parachute Short for Parachute.
Nana Banana Short for Banana Bomb.
Tele Teleport Short for Teleport.
Plop Sink, Drown When a worm falls on the water and sinks or drowns (an onomatopoeia).
Newbie Beginner, Noob A beginner player, who is learning the basics of the game.
Noob Newbie, Beginner A pejorative way to refer to a beginner player who usually is not very skilled.
Pro Professional A very skilled player. It is also the name of a scheme that is intrinsic to Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party.
Quitter Quit Main section: Leaving the game. Someone who quits a match without a noble reason in the middle of a game, sometimes ruining it.
Fly Flight, Air When a worm travels in the air, usually being lauched from a weapon (commonly the Ninja Rope).
Pile Crowd Main section: Pile. A group of worms together.
Leader First, Top The team that is at the top during the match, usually the one that is with more health (the "winning" one).
Surf Skim When a worm skims across the water.
Cow Infringe(r), Violate(or) Main section: Cow. A move that infringed the rules of a game or as a verb: to infringe the rules of a game. Also, it can be a player who breaks, infringes or violates the rule, especially if done repeatedly.
PACK Rules Main secion: PACK. Acronym of Pile, ABL, CBA, and KTC scheme rules.
Roofing Roof, Border, Ceiling Main article: Roofing. Going above the ceiling of a cave map.
Shoppa Shopper, Misspelling Main talk page section: The term "Shoppa". A misspelling originated probably from the "Shopper" pronunciation.
Telecide Suicide, Teleport Main section item: Telecide. Commiting suicide with the Teleport.
Granny Old Woman, Old Lady Alternative for Old Woman.
Old Lady Old Woman, Granny Alternative for Old Woman.
Sally Salvation Army Alternative for Salvation Army.
HHG Holy Hand Grenade, Holy Acronym of Holy Hand Grenade.
Holy Holy Hand Grenade, HHG Short for Holy Hand Grenade.
BnG Bazooka and Grenades, Bazooka, Grenade Short for Bazooka and Grenades.
RR Rope Race Acronym of Rope Race.
TTRR Time-trial Rope Race Acronym of Time-trial Rope Race.
WfW Walk for Weapons Acronym of Walk for Weapons.
WxW Wall-X-Wall Shopper Short for Wall-X-Wall Shopper.
Proper Roper, Pro Alternative for Roper.
SSR Super Sheep Race Acronym of Super Sheep Race.
JPR Jetpack Race Acronym of Jetpack Race.
Normal Intermediate, Conventional gameplay, Standard Gameplay Alternative for Intermediate, but also for Conventional gameplay schemes.
BnA Bow and Arrows Short for Bow and Arrows.
CDRW Comet Dodging Race Wee Acronym of Comet Dodging Race Wee.
CTF Capture The Flag Acronym of Capture The Flag.
BnC Bows and Clusters Short for Bows and Clusters.
RnC Ropes and Crates, Crate Collector Short for Ropes and Crates.
AFA Attack From Air Short for Attack From Air.
SAA Surf After Attack Acronym of Surf After Attack.
SBA Surf Before Attack Acronym of Surf Before Attack.
FBA Fly Before Attack Acronym of Fly Before Attack.
WBA Wall(s) Before Attack Acronym of Wall(s) Before Attack.
TS TestStuff, Test versions Short for TestStuff.
RW RubberWorm Short for RubberWorm.
PX Project X Short for Project X.
BTP Blame The Pixel Acronym for Blame The Pixel.
TUS The Ultimate Site Acronym of The Ultimate Site.
WKB Worms Knowledge Base, worms2d.info Acronym of Worms Knowledge Base.
worms2d.info Worms Knowledge Base, WKB Alternative for Worms Knowledge Base.
WMDB Worms Map Database Short for Worms Map Database.
HB HostingBuddy Acronym of HostingBuddy.
Hyst Hysteria Short for Hysteria.
WSDB Worms Scheme Database Short for Worms Scheme Database.
WSBDB Worms SoundBank Database Short for Worms SoundBank Database.
WQDB WormsQuoteDatabase Short for WormsQuoteDatabase.
CWT Crespo's Worms Tournament Acronym of Crespo's Worms Tournament.
WSC Game scheme file, Worms Scheme Contest The file format of the Game scheme file, also the acronym of Worms Scheme Contest.
WO Worm Olympics Acronym of Worm Olympics.
NNN Normal No Noobs Acronym of Normal No Noobs.
S@S Start at Start Short for Start at Start
STF Start to Finish, S2F Short for Start to Finish.
S2F Start to Finish, STF Short for Start to Finish.
CBA Crate Before Attack Acronym of Crate Before Attack.
AFR Attack From Rope Acronym of Attack From Rope.
KTL Kill The Leader Acronym of Kill The Leader.
AFJ Attack From Jetpack Short for Attack From Jetpack.
ABL All But Last Acronym of All But Last.
KTC Kill The Cow Acronym of Kill The Cow.
DC Deadcode Short for Deadcode.
CS CyberShadow Short for CyberShadow.
WA Worms Armageddon Acronym of Worms Armageddon.
WWP Worms World Party Acronym of Worms World Party.
W2 Worms 2 Acronym of Worms 2.
TCB The Challenge Base Acronym of The Challenge Base.
Team Weapons Special Weapons Another way to say Special Weapons.
Anchor Mode Artillery Mode Another way to say Artillery Mode.
Postal Strike Mail Strike Another way to say Mail Strike .
SD Sudden Death Acronym of Sudden Death.
Dyna Dynamite Short for Dynamite.
Nuke Poison, Sudden Death, Indian Nuclear Test Another way to refer to the Poison caused by Sudden Death or Indian Nuclear Test, for example: in Sudden Death settings the "nuke" can be turned on or off.
Grave Gravestone, Tombstone, Tomb, Sepulture, Sepulchre, Charnelhouse, Tumulus Short for Gravestone.
FFA Free For All, last man standing, battle royale, "deathmatch" (as called in other games, not exactly the classic game mode of WA and WWP) Acronym of Free For All, a gameplay style like 1vs1vs1, 1vs1vs1vs1, 1vs1vs1vs1vs1, 1vs1vs1vs1vs1vs1, etc. (2vs2vs2 is free for all in teams). What is usually not nominated as free for all gameplay: 1vs1, 2vs2, or 3vs3.
Funner Non-competitive, casual, fun, funny, playful, entertaining, joy A game that is not competitive, being focused in having fun, and not playing so seriously. A game that will not be uploaded publically, will not change rankings, and won't be worth championship medals or money. Casual play.
WSE Worst Shot Ever Acronym of Worst Shot Ever. Often used when a very, very bad or hilarious unfortunate shot happens during a game.
Bo1/Bo3/Bo5/Bo7/Bo9... Best of one, Best of three, Best of five, Best of seven, Best of nine... The number of rounds determined for a scheme or competitive event to be considered a valid full match. It is a different way to say what is represented in the game as "the number of wins" (the setting that has a number displayed on a trophy icon). For example: a 2-win trophy represents Best of 3, while a 3-win trophy represents Best of 5.
Cr8 Crate Short for Crate. It can be: a Weapon Crate, a Health Crate or a Utility Crate.
WormsDC Worms: The Director's Cut Short for Worms: The Director's Cut.
Hotseat Warm seat, hot sofa, hot chair A multiplayer game of Worms played on the same computer. It's called hotseat because when players switch turns they enter and exit the main seat. The "Hotseat Time" scheme feature is related to this.
Lamer Lame, Bad behaviour, Pathetic, Unsportsmanlike, Unpleasant Someone who is lame, pathetic, not funny, unsportsmanlike, unpleasant.
Sigworm Signature-worm, Internet forum signature, Wormy signature, Worms signature A Sigworm is short for Signature-worm - an edited graphic of a worm that somehow represents a player of Worms. It can be used at the end of message board postings or anything else... Commonly used in internet forums related to Worms, especially in the past, during the so called "internet forum era", but some people still use Sigworms until now.
Wormer Player, Member, Worms fan A player of Worms, member of Worms community, fan of Worms series.
Wormy Worms An adjective for anything that has to do with Worms.
Box Crate, Square, Space Crate is the term technically used by the game to refer to the objects that offer weapons, health and utilities, but some players call it using the word "Box". This happens usually due to English not being their native language, the translations of the game and the word "crate" being unfamiliar to them. Also, Box is technically referred to a space/square on the map of a Board Game scheme match.
Adaptation Scheme, Media, Portability, Transformation Something created within the Worms community (usually a scheme) that is inspired by something from other media (film, book, series, game, etc.), usually trying to adapt it or port it to Worms community. Some adaptations are very loyal to the original and others not so much.
Beam Girder Girder is how the game technically refers to the weapon used to build bridges, and block or protect worms. Some players call it "Beam", probably due to translations and different regions.
Scheme Game mode, Game style, Modality A Scheme is a game mode or game style. If Worms is a game, a scheme is a modality, an aggregate of map design, settings and rules of a particular gameplay.
Molotov Molotov cocktail, Petrol Bomb The official English term of the game for the weapon that is thrown and explodes releasing flamelets that endure for several turns is Petrol Bomb. Some players call it "Molotov" due to translations and the aspect of the weapon, that mimics a Molotov cocktail.
Map Image file, Gameplay image The Map is the official term for the image file that can be used to play the game, where the worms will stand on. In the past and in the game folders it is often referred as "Level". Some people sometimes use the word "Terrain" referring to a map, but nowadays the Worms community consider a Terrain a different thing, but it has to do with a map.
Terrain Texture, Soil type, Background, Scenario, Theme A Terrain in the Worms community nowadays means the "texture", "soil type", "background style" of a map, and not the map itself, not the image file. Examples of terrains intrinsic to the game: Farm, Sports, Manhattan, Fruits, Desert, Beach, etc.. There are also Custom terrains.
Level Map, Water, Flood The word Level in the past and in folders of the game was used to refer to what is called now a Map, an image file where the worms will stand on during a game. However, nowadays the word "Level" is often seen associated with the water or the flood: Water Level/Flood Level (the amount of pixels that the water is raised).
Water drop Border, Ground, Plop, Water, Level, Sink, Drawn The water level is set in a way that allows weapons to sink through the bottom indestructible border but worms remain standing on it, a setting known as Water drops. This makes it difficult to quickly use a mine or grenade on a worm standing on the bottom of the map, but bazookas still explode on impact.
Shore Coast, Beach, Landing zone An area designed on Surf Shopper maps in which the worms land on it after skimming on the water.
Wall Surface, area, zone, touching place A surface designed on the map of some schemes, most remarkably WxW, intended to players touch it or interact with it according to the rules of the scheme. Usually they are vertical, but some are horizontal, inclined or even with irregular shapes.
Darksiding Hiding, Digging, Defensiveness, Shield, Protecting
Lightsiding Bravery, Courage, Attacking, Impetus
Notching Aiming, Calculation, Angle, Trick, Tactic, Cheat
Sitter Grenade, Sit, Seat, Stop, Stay, Waiting, Fuse, Time, Timer
Block Imprison, Block, Stuck, Jail, Impede, Delay
Body block Worm, Hitbox, Collision mask, Stuck, Impede, Delay

See also

External links

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  • Add info at the terms with areas in blank
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