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Double bank grenade shot (exactly 30HP)
IconGrenade.svg Grenade
Type: Timed Projectile
Keyboard selection: F2 (x1)
Standard effects: 50hp injury (max.), Small circular crater
Present in: Worms, Worms DC, Worms 2, W:A, WWP
Power settings
Power Maximum
11 25 hp 47 px
12 35 73
1 40 85
2 45 85
3 50 97
4 55 111
5 60 123
19 65 123
14 75 147
15 100 199

The Grenade (sometimes referred as Nade in worms terminology) is a projectile weapon which can be used at a variable power at any angle. The grenade bounces on impact, and explodes only after the fuse has expired. The fuse can be set at 1-5 seconds by the player. The player can also set a bounce setting for the grenade by pressing the + ("MAX bounce") and - ("MIN bounce") keys. On the MAX bounce setting, bounces reduce the horizontal speed by 4% and the vertical speed by 40%. On the MIN setting, they reduce the horizontal speed by 4% and the vertical speed by 70%.


Backflipping an enemy worm into a grenade will hurt your own worm, but may launch the enemy worm very far.
  • When fired at a shallow angle into the water, the grenade will skip on the surface of the water.
  • When fired upward at a near-vertical angle with full power, a four second fuse will ensure that the grenade explodes approximately at the same altitude that it was fired, allowing for somewhat predictable shots.
  • Many players use grenades like Mines, where they place it on the head of the opponent worm by standing on top of them and firing straight up or down at a low power. Unlike a mine, however, the worm will not be flown into the air, but will instead be blasted into the ground, so there still is a fundamental difference between using the two weapons in this way.
  • If placed above a worm and with the correct timing, the grenade can be used to throw a worm standing on an inclination very far by backflipping to knock the worm upwards with a certain speed. This will hurt your own worm, but it may be useful to plop the enemy worm.
  • In schemes that use the feature "Weapon Use Doesn't End Turn" of the Extended Scheme Options, it's possible to make multiple grenades explode at the same time. If timed well, the grenades can launch a worm very, very far.
    • How to do the trick:
  1. Drop a grenade (from Jet Pack, Rope or downwards with no force is easier)
  2. Immediately reduce 1 second of the grenade time
  3. Drop another grenade exactly 1 second after the previous one
  4. Repeat this process until the explosion
  • Grenades will eventually come to rest at the bottom of a trough or pit, if not yet exploded. You can even settle a thrown grenade next to a worm!
  • Max bounce can be handy for letting the grenade reliably bounces off terrain rather than settling downwards. This bouncing mechanic allows for bankshots.

Criticisms, Problems and Weaknesses

  • The grenade can only bounce horizontally and vertically, and so may not bounce as expected on a slope. It is possible for the grenade to bounce horizontally and vertically in the same frame.

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Jet PackLow GravityFast WalkLaser SightInvisibilityBazookaHoming MissileMortarHoming PigeonSheep LauncherGrenadeCluster BombBanana BombBattle AxeEarthquakeShotgunHandgunUziMinigunLongbowFire PunchDragon BallKamikazeSuicide BomberProdDynamiteMineSheepSuper Sheep (Aqua Sheep)Mole BombAir StrikeNapalm StrikeMail StrikeMine StrikeMole SquadronBlow TorchPneumatic DrillGirderBaseball BatGirder Starter PackNinja RopeBungeeParachuteTeleportScales of JusticeSuper Banana BombHoly Hand GrenadeFlame ThrowerSalvation ArmyMB BombPetrol BombSkunkPriceless Ming VaseFrench Sheep StrikeMike's Carpet BombMad CowsOld WomanConcrete DonkeyIndian Nuclear TestArmageddonSkip GoSurrenderSelect WormFreezePatsy's Magic BulletCrate ShowerCrate SpyDamage x2Double Turn TimeHoming Cluster BombHoming Air StrikeConfused Sheep StrikeCloned SheepNuclear BombGrenade LauncherSheep-on-a-RopeChainsawAbout this imageWeapon navbox.png
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