From Worms Knowledge Base
Deathmatch is a single player mode in Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party that has ranks and uses the Intermediate scheme.
The game mode is rank based, with the difficulty increasing per rank via the worm counts being more and more skewed in the CPU's favor and the CPU teams on average having higher difficulty presets. Every victory will increase your team's rank, but if the match is a draw or you lose, your rank will decrease. Quitting the game will count as losing, but causing it to crash or otherwise taking the game down will not decrease your rank. The best rank is Elite and the worst is Absolute Beginner.
There are 21 ranks. They vary between the games, but the Worms World Party ranks are listed below in order (0-20):
Note: If you reach the Superstar rank and win, you will go to the Elite rank, however if you win Elite rank, you will keep the Elite title (you will not get a higher rank, just one more win).
AI teams
As you play deathmatches, you will notice teams are always the same. You may also notice they're always ordered in a way ROYALTY is always the team with the highest CPU level (the full order being ROYALTY → TEAM17 → NASTY CREW → DODGY8 → VENOM). ROYALTY and TEAM17 are present in every deathmatch, whereas other teams don't appear in certain deathmatches.
Here are the teams and the worms in them (this should help you planning your moves - italic names means the worm doesn't appear in any deathmatch; these names are known thanks to the localization files):
Note that some of the names are References to other media.
Worms Armageddon
Team name | Worm 1 | Worm 2 | Worm 3 | Worm 4 | Worm 5 | Worm 6 | Worm 7 | Worm 8 |
ROYALTY | The Queen | Prince Charles | Prince Andrew | Prince of Persia | Queen Mum | Henry 8th | King Canute | Sal |
TEAM17 | Lambo | Zelda | Boggy B | Spadge | Satan | Rob | PC | Randalism |
NASTY CREW | Vinny Jones | Cilla Black | Old Spice | George Graham | Bob Monkhouse | Alex Ferguson | Vera Lynn | Spotty Spice |
DODGY8 | El Presidente | The Intern | Tony Blair | Maggie T | Dodgy Bloke | Prince Charles | Hector Flushwit | Stub |
VENOM | Noggin | Tebbitbreath | Foul Stench | Y Front | Peuce | Mucus | Pustulous | Spanner |
Worms World Party
Note: In Worms World Party Remastered, the teams from Worms Armageddon are used instead
Team name | Worm 1 | Worm 2 | Worm 3 | Worm 4 | Worm 5 | Worm 6 | Worm 7 | Worm 8 |
BREAKFASTS | Steak n Cheese | Saus and Mush | Bacon | Chips n Gravy | Toast | Coffee | Flakes | Bix |
TEAMSTERS | Colan | Chevan | GT | Jeggetts | Lord C | OJones | Noisy Pants | Randalism |
BLUES N REDS | FixDeluxe R | Vamp B | Lord Death B | Evil B | Marky B | Decal B | Camouflage R | Chev R |
REFRESHER BARS | Commercial | The Brewers | Red Lion | The Swan | The Crown | Whistler | The Fox | Market House |
MINISTERS | Blair | Major | Thatcher | Callaghan | Wilson | Heath | MacMillan | Churchill |
- Be flexible with a variety of different weapons on Intermediate. It contains a modest amount of moderate-strength weapons plus a few stronger weapons like your chosen Special Weapon.
- Of your unlimited weapons, the Bazooka, Grenade, and Shotgun all should serve as the majority of your firepower. In very close ranges where your Shotgun won't work, the Fire Punch should be your first priority. The Uzi is good for pushing worms.
- Choose a Special Weapon that suits your needs the best. Mad Cows, Homing Pigeons, Holy Hand Grenade, and Super Sheep are among some of the best of Special Weapons specifically versus CPU opponents.
- Save your detonation weapons (such as Mine, Dynamite, and Sheep) if you could just use an unlimited weapon to finish the job sufficiently.
- If you are in a location that isn't so favorable, you are able to use your decent variety of transport tools. Ninja Rope is the most versatile of the bunch but hardest to master.
- Low Gravity and Jetpack are the two utility weapons you will always start with on Deathmatch, albeit Jetpack has a 2-turn delay. Low Gravity has great usage for safely moving around tall and steep areas in addition to increasing effective range of worms hit by knockback. Jetpack is fairly straightforward with its strengths.
- Don't be afraid to use a Kamikaze if you are certain that you can find an appropriate moment to chain lots of enemy kills, and if you can afford to lose your current worm.
- The Baseball Bat has great range to toss worms across long distances, especially into the water. Save it for occasions where a simple Fire Punch or Dragon Ball won't be enough.
- If there is an enemy worm hidden near the water, then saving your Homing Missile to kill him could come in handy.
- Although Longbow may appear as a weak weapon, it is actually a very good weapon to make many worms at once slide to the water; you even have 2 shots per turn with it!
- The Shotgun is generally preferred over the Uzi for damaging a single worm (particularly if it has 46-50 HP to kill him in a single turn), as the Shotgun has more consistent damage, and doesn't require a wall behind the worm, unlike the Uzi.
- Keep your air strikes on hold in case of faraway worms where your missile-based weapons and grenades are totally out of reach.
- Keep track of your current worms and the queue order of each worm.
- If you're very unsure who is next, edit your team and name all of your worms in numerical order (e.g. "Worm 1" to "Worm 8").
- Keeping track of each enemy team and their remaining teammates allows you to better estimate which worm will go next after you.
- In certain rankings, there will be teams with lower CPU levels than others. In some cases, it is actually strategic to avoid attacking lower CPU enemies, because keeping them alive will waste turns that would've been for the higher CPU enemies. A similar approach applies for teams containing only worms in awful situations.
- Between turns and before the match begins, always evaluate the landscape and the locations of your worms and enemy worms. You may get an idea on how to take advantage of your areas with your weapons.
- At the start of each game, focus on killing the CPU worms that are near the water.
- Save all of the stronger weapons against piles of CPU worms (CPU worms tend to pile a lot!). Don't forget that gravestone damage also can affect large groups of nearby worms, especially if they're trapped inside a tight hole.
- Don't forget to pile with CPU worms, especially in levels where you have way less worms than CPU. CPU worms will try to avoid hitting their mates, especially if they belong to their own team.
- Remember that CPU worms can't move very well (no backflips, Jet Packs, or Ninja Ropes), limited to just walking, front-jumping, back-jumping, and using a Teleport. Thus, blocking them in a particular spot (preferrably a dangerous location or at a pile of CPU worms) should help.
- Starting from around "Highly competent", your enemy will greatly outnumber you and still have a fair amount of intelligence. Until then, you can afford to get wreckless with most of your worms to speed up the Deathmatch battle.
- Although the enemy may have some struggles against human players who seek the Darkside, do not rely entirely on this, as some landscapes are too shallow and thin to support full Darksiding, and nearby enemies could just try to target you through the tunnel anyway.
- If you are lucky enough to stumble across a Super Weapon from a weapon crate, save it until necessary. However, some Super Weapons will be completely useless (e.g. Scales of Justice if your team already has the health advantage).
See also
External links
- There is a page on dedicated to leaderboards for unassisted Worms Armageddon speedrunning categories, including the "Deathmatch" category. To qualify for placement in that category, players must follow the posted rules visible when clicking "View Rules" on that page.
- Deathmatch weapons tier list video by RuffledBricks
- Deathmatch super weapons tier list video by RuffledBricks
- The Page of Light's Deathmatch tips and ranks
- Worms Armageddon Unofficial's Deathmatch tips
- Worms Center's website archive page with Deathmatch information
- World War Worm's website archive with Deathmatch tips
- The Allotment Deathmatch Help