Difference between revisions of "Weapons"

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m (Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party)
(External links: Name of source and extra link.)
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{{ParentArticle|[[Game logic]]}}
{{ParentArticle|[[Game logic]]}}
:''For weapon ideas in Worms Unlimited, see [[Weapons (Worms Unlimited)]].''
:''For weapon ideas in Worms Unlimited, see [[Weapons (Worms Unlimited)]].''
== Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party==
Image:WA_WeaponPanel.png|right|frame|Click on a weapon icon to view its page. ([[Weapons/Text version|Text Version]])
rect 34 2 62 30 [[Jet Pack]]
rect 63 2 91 30 [[Low Gravity]]
rect 92 2 120 30 [[Fast Walk]]
rect 121 2 149 30 [[Laser Sight]]
rect 150 2 178 30 [[Invisibility]]
rect 34 31 62 59 [[Bazooka]]
rect 63 31 91 59 [[Homing Missile]]
rect 92 31 120 59 [[Mortar]]
rect 121 31 149 59 [[Homing Pigeon]]
rect 150 31 178 59 [[Sheep Launcher]]
rect 34 60 62 88 [[Grenade]]
rect 63 60 91 88 [[Cluster Bomb]]
rect 92 60 120 88 [[Banana Bomb]]
rect 121 60 149 88 [[Battle Axe]]
rect 150 60 178 88 [[Earthquake]]
rect 34 89 62 117 [[Shotgun]]
rect 63 89 91 117 [[Handgun]]
rect 92 89 120 117 [[Uzi]]
rect 121 89 149 117 [[Minigun]]
rect 150 89 178 117 [[Longbow]]
rect 34 118 62 146 [[Fire Punch]]
rect 63 118 91 146 [[Dragon Ball]]
rect 92 118 120 146 [[Kamikaze]]
rect 121 118 149 146 [[Suicide Bomber]]
rect 150 118 178 146 [[Prod]]
rect 34 147 62 175 [[Dynamite]]
rect 63 147 91 175 [[Mine]]
rect 92 147 120 175 [[Sheep]]
rect 121 147 149 175 [[Super Sheep (Aqua Sheep)]]
rect 150 147 178 175 [[Mole Bomb]]
rect 34 176 62 204 [[Air Strike]]
rect 63 176 91 204 [[Napalm Strike]]
rect 92 176 120 204 [[Mail Strike]]
rect 121 176 149 204 [[Mine Strike]]
rect 150 176 178 204 [[Mole Squadron]]
rect 34 205 62 233 [[Blow Torch]]
rect 63 205 91 233 [[Pneumatic Drill]]
rect 92 205 120 233 [[Girder]]
rect 121 205 149 233 [[Baseball Bat]]
rect 150 205 178 233 [[Girder Starter Pack]]
rect 34 234 62 262 [[Ninja Rope]]
rect 63 234 91 262 [[Bungee]]
rect 92 234 120 262 [[Parachute]]
rect 121 234 149 262 [[Teleport]]
rect 150 234 178 262 [[Scales of Justice]]
rect 34 263 62 291 [[Super Banana Bomb]]
rect 63 263 91 291 [[Holy Hand Grenade]]
rect 92 263 120 291 [[Flame Thrower]]
rect 121 263 149 291 [[Salvation Army]]
rect 150 263 178 291 [[MB Bomb]]
rect 34 292 62 320 [[Petrol Bomb]]
rect 63 292 91 320 [[Skunk]]
rect 92 292 120 320 [[Ming Vase]]
rect 121 292 149 320 [[French Sheep Strike]]
rect 150 292 178 320 [[Mike's Carpet Bomb]]
rect 34 321 62 349 [[Mad Cows]]
rect 63 321 91 349 [[Old Woman]]
rect 92 321 120 349 [[Concrete Donkey]]
rect 121 321 149 349 [[Nuclear Bomb (Indian Nuclear Test)|Indian Nuclear Test]]
rect 150 321 178 349 [[Armageddon]]
rect 34 350 62 378 [[Skip Go]]
rect 63 350 91 378 [[Surrender]]
rect 92 350 120 378 [[Select Worm]]
rect 121 350 149 378 [[Freeze]]
rect 150 350 178 378 [[Patsy's Magic Bullet]]
rect 2 350 33 378 [[Image:WA_WeaponPanel.png]]
desc none
<!-- To go to the image description page, click the F12 icon of it -->
<!-- Perhaps a general description of how the weapons are organised ought to go here, otherwise there's just a big gap -->
<!-- Perhaps a general description of how the weapons are organised ought to go here, otherwise there's just a big gap -->
== Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party ==
{| width="100%"
|style="vertical-align: top;" width="100%"|
Click on a weapon icon on the panel to the right, or use the text version below, to view the weapon's page.
=== Other utilities ===
=== Instant effect utilities ===
* [[Crate Shower]]
* [[Crate Shower]]
* {{navimg|Cratespyicon.png|xsize=32|link=Crate Spy}}
* [[File:Cratespyicon.png|32px|link=Crate Spy]] [[Crate Spy]]
* {{navimg|Damagex2icon.png|xsize=32|link=Damage x2}}
* [[File:Damagex2icon.png|32px|link=Damage x2]] [[Damage x2]]
* {{navimg|DoubleTurnTime.png|xsize=32|link=Double Turn Time}}
* [[File:DoubleTurnTime.png|32px|link=Double Turn Time]] [[Double Turn Time]]
=== Map object ===
=== Map object ===
* [[Oil Drum]]
* [[Oil Drum]]
* [[Donor Card]]
<br clear="all">
=== Game Boy Advance weapons ===
* [[File:Chainsawicon.png|32px|link=Chainsaw]] [[Chainsaw]] (GBA-exclusive)
* [[Homing Air Strike]]
* [[Homing Cluster Bomb]]
== Worms 2==
=== Unreleased weapons ===
* [[File:Canister_icon.png|32px|link=Gas Canister]] [[Gas Canister]]
* [[File:Wormstrikeicon.png|32px|link=Worm Strike]] [[Worm Strike]]
|style="vertical-align: top;"|
Image:W2_WeaponPanel.png|right|frame|Click on a weapon icon to view its page.
rect 34 2 62 30 [[Bazooka]]
rect 63 2 91 30 [[Homing Missile]]
rect 92 2 120 30 [[Mortar]]
rect 121 2 149 30 [[Homing Pigeon]]
rect 34 31 62 59 [[Grenade]]
rect 63 31 91 59 [[Cluster Bomb]]
rect 92 31 120 59 [[Banana Bomb]]
rect 121 31 149 59 [[Homing Cluster Bomb]]
rect 34 60 62 88 [[Shotgun]]
rect 63 60 91 88 [[Handgun]]
rect 92 60 120 88 [[Uzi]]
rect 121 60 149 88 [[Minigun]]
rect 34 89 62 117 [[Fire Punch]]
rect 63 89 91 117 [[Dragon Ball]]
rect 92 89 120 117 [[Kamikaze]]
rect 121 89 149 117 [[Prod]]
rect 34 118 62 146 [[Dynamite]]
rect 63 118 91 146 [[Mine]]
rect 92 118 120 146 [[Sheep]]
rect 121 118 149 146 [[Super Sheep (Aqua Sheep)|Super Sheep]]
rect 34 147 62 175 [[Air Strike]]
rect 63 147 91 175 [[Homing Air Strike]]
rect 92 147 120 175 [[Napalm Strike]]
rect 121 147 149 175 [[Mail Strike]]
rect 34 176 62 204 [[Blow Torch]]
rect 63 176 91 204 [[Pneumatic Drill]]
rect 92 176 120 204 [[Girder]]
rect 121 176 149 204 [[Baseball Bat]]
rect 34 205 62 233 [[Ninja Rope]]
rect 63 205 91 233 [[Bungee]]
rect 92 205 120 233 [[Parachute]]
rect 121 205 149 233 [[Teleport]]
rect 34 234 62 262 [[Super Banana Bomb]]
rect 63 234 91 262 [[Holy Hand Grenade]]
rect 92 234 120 262 [[Salvation Army]]
rect 121 234 149 262 [[MB Bomb]]
rect 34 263 62 291 [[Petrol Bomb]]
rect 63 263 91 291 [[Ming Vase]]
rect 92 263 120 291 [[Sheep Strike (Confused Sheep Strike)]]
rect 121 263 149 291 [[Mike's Carpet Bomb]]
rect 34 292 62 320 [[Mad Cows]]
rect 63 292 91 320 [[Old Woman]]
rect 92 292 120 320 [[Cloned Sheep]]
rect 121 292 149 320 [[Concrete Donkey]]
rect 34 321 62 349 [[Skip Go]]
rect 63 321 91 349 [[Surrender]]
rect 92 321 120 349 [[Nuclear Bomb (Indian Nuclear Test)|Nuclear Bomb]]
rect 121 321 149 349 [[Patsy's Magic Bullet]]
rect 2 321 33 349 [[Image:W2_WeaponPanel.png]]
desc none
<!-- To go to the image description page, click the F12 icon of it -->
===Worms 2 Exclusive Weapons===
== Worms 2==
{| width="100%"
|style="vertical-align: top;" width="100%"|
Click on a weapon icon on the panel to the right, or use the text version below, to view the weapon's page.
{{W2 weapons/text}}
*{{navimg|Homingclustericon.png|xsize=32|Homing Cluster Bomb}}
===Worms-2-exclusive weapons===
*{{navimg|Homingairstrikeicon.png|xsize=32|Homing Airstrike}}
*[[File:Homingclustericon.png|x32px|link=Homing Cluster Bomb]] [[Homing Cluster Bomb]]
*{{navimg|Clonedsheepicon.png|xsize=32|Cloned Sheep}}
*[[File:Homingairstrikeicon.png|x32px|link=Homing Air Strike]] [[Homing Air Strike]]
*{{navimg|Nuclearbombicon.png|xsize=32|Nuclear Bomb (Indian Nuclear Test)}}
*[[File:Sheepstrikeicon.png|x32px|link=Confused Sheep Strike]] [[Confused Sheep Strike]]
*[[File:Clonedsheepicon.png|x32px|link=Cloned Sheep]] [[Cloned Sheep]]
*[[File:Nuclearbombicon.png|x32px|link=Nuclear Bomb (Indian Nuclear Test)]] [[Nuclear Bomb (Indian Nuclear Test)|Nuclear Bomb]]
<br clear="all">
|style="vertical-align: top;"|
{{W2 weapons}}
==Worms DC==
==Worms DC==
!colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"|Worms DC weapons panel
|''Page 1''
Image:WDC_WeaponPanel_Page1.png|Worms DC weapons panel, page 1
rect 0 0 27 31 [[Bazooka]]
rect 27 0 54 31 [[Homing Missile]]
rect 54 0 81 31 [[Grenade]]
rect 81 0 108 31 [[Cluster Bomb]]
rect 108 0 135 31 [[Grenade Launcher]]
rect 135 0 162 31 [[Shotgun]]
rect 162 0 189 31 [[Uzi]]
rect 189 0 216 31 [[Handgun]]
rect 216 0 243 31 [[Fire Punch]]
rect 243 0 270 31 [[Dragon Ball|Dragonball]]
rect 270 0 297 31 [[Dynamite]]
rect 297 0 320 31 [[Sheep]]
desc none
|''Page 2''
Image:WDC_WeaponPanel_Page2.png|Worms DC weapons panel, page 2
rect 0 0 27 31 [[Air Strike]]
rect 27 0 54 31 [[Petrol Bomb]]
rect 54 0 81 31 [[Teleport]]
rect 81 0 108 31 [[Blow Torch]]
rect 108 0 135 31 [[Pneumatic Drill]]
rect 135 0 162 31 [[Mine]]
rect 162 0 189 31 [[Ninja Rope]]
rect 189 0 216 31 [[Bungee]]
rect 216 0 243 31 [[Girder|Girders]]
rect 243 0 270 31 [[Skip Go]]
rect 270 0 297 31 [[Kamikaze]]
rect 297 0 320 31 [[Surrender]]
desc none
|''Page 3''
Image:WDC_WeaponPanel_Page3.png|Worms DC weapons panel, page 3
rect 0 0 27 31 [[Homing Pigeon]]
rect 27 0 54 31 [[Mad Cows]]
rect 54 0 81 31 [[Banana Bomb]]
rect 81 0 108 31 [[Holy Hand Grenade]]
rect 108 0 135 31 [[Minigun]]
rect 135 0 162 31 [[Baseball Bat]]
rect 162 0 189 31 [[Super Sheep (Aqua Sheep)|Super Sheep]]
rect 189 0 216 31 [[Sheep-on-a-Rope]]
rect 216 0 243 31 [[Confused Sheep Strike|Sheep Strike]]
rect 243 0 270 31 [[Old Woman]]
rect 270 0 297 31 [[Priceless Ming Vase]]
desc none
Image:WDC_WeaponPanel_Extra.png|Extra weapons in Worms DC
rect 172 24 199 57 [[Sheep-on-a-Rope|Kenny-på-ett-Rep]]
rect 221 24 244 57 [[Mail Strike|Postal Strike]]
rect 259 24 282 57 [[Nuclear Bomb (Indian Nuclear Test)|Nuclear Bomb]]
rect 297 24 320 57 [[Concrete Donkey]]
desc none
{{WDC weapons/text}}
===Worms DC Exclusive Weapons===
===Worms DC exclusive weapons===
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="left"
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="left"
| [[Image:Wdcwep-left.gif]] || {{navimg|Wdcwep-grenadelauncher.gif|Grenade Launcher}} || {{navimg|Wdcwep-soar.gif|Sheep-on-a-Rope}} || [[Image:Wdcwep-right.gif]]
| [[Image:Wdcwep-left.gif]]
| {{navimg|Wdcwep-grenadelauncher.gif|Grenade Launcher}}
| {{navimg|Wdcwep-soar.gif|Sheep-on-a-Rope}}
| [[Image:Wdcwep-right.gif]]
''See also: [[List of weapon names in Monkey Mode]]''
== See also ==
* [[List of weapon names in Monkey Mode]]
* [[Super Weapons]]
* [[Special Weapons]]
== External links ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20020205154953/http://worms.team17.com/worms2/?weapons Archive containing information about weapons] of the old http://worms.team17.com website
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20011106212008/http://members.fortunecity.com/sir_kamikaze/weaponguide.html Kamikaze-Worms' website archive page containing information about weapons]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20080207054227/http://www.geocities.com/final_onslaught/weapons.html Final Onslaught's website archive page with informations about weapons]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20011129235841fw_/http://home.bip.net/boggy_b/waweapons.html Servadac's Ultimate WormPage website archive with WA weapons information]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20020222104634fw_/http://home.bip.net/boggy_b/w2weapons.html Servadac's Ultimate WormPage website archive with W2 weapons information]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20011221221606/http://www.wormscenter.com/wepguideutil.phtml Worms Center's website archive page with weapons information]

Revision as of 19:27, 3 January 2024

(Up to Game logic)
In other languages: English (en) • polski (pl) • +/-
For weapon ideas in Worms Unlimited, see Weapons (Worms Unlimited).

Worms Armageddon and Worms World Party

Click on a weapon icon on the panel to the right, or use the text version below, to view the weapon's page.

Instant effect utilities

Map object

Game Boy Advance weapons

Unreleased weapons

Jet PackLow GravityFast WalkLaser SightInvisibilityBazookaHoming MissileMortarHoming PigeonSheep LauncherGrenadeCluster BombBanana BombBattle AxeEarthquakeShotgunHandgunUziMinigunLongbowFire PunchDragon BallKamikazeSuicide BomberProdDynamiteMineSheepSuper Sheep (Aqua Sheep)Mole BombAir StrikeNapalm StrikeMail StrikeMine StrikeMole SquadronBlow TorchPneumatic DrillGirderBaseball BatGirder Starter PackNinja RopeBungeeParachuteTeleportScales of JusticeSuper Banana BombHoly Hand GrenadeFlame ThrowerSalvation ArmyMB BombPetrol BombSkunkPriceless Ming VaseFrench Sheep StrikeMike's Carpet BombMad CowsOld WomanConcrete DonkeyIndian Nuclear TestArmageddonSkip GoSurrenderSelect WormFreezePatsy's Magic BulletAbout this image
WA and WWP weapons panel

Worms 2

Click on a weapon icon on the panel to the right, or use the text version below, to view the weapon's page.

Worms-2-exclusive weapons

BazookaHoming MissileMortarHoming PigeonGrenadeCluster BombBanana BombHoming Cluster BombShotgunHandgunUziMinigunFire PunchDragon BallKamikazeProdDynamiteMineSheepSuper SheepAir StrikeHoming Air StrikeNapalm StrikeMail StrikeBlow TorchPneumatic DrillGirderBaseball BatNinja RopeBungeeParachuteTeleportSuper Banana BombHoly Hand GrenadeSalvation ArmyMB BombPetrol BombPriceless Ming VaseConfused Sheep StrikeMike's Carpet BombMad CowsOld WomanCloned SheepConcrete DonkeySkip GoSurrenderNuclear BombPatsy's Magic BulletAbout this image
Worms 2 weapons panel

Worms DC

Worms DC weapons panel
Page 1
BazookaHoming MissileGrenadeCluster BombGrenade LauncherShotgunUziHandgunFire PunchDragonballDynamiteSheepWorms DC weapons panel, page 1
Page 2
Air StrikePetrol BombTeleportBlow TorchPneumatic DrillMineNinja RopeBungeeGirdersSkip GoKamikazeSurrenderWorms DC weapons panel, page 2
Page 3
Homing PigeonMad CowsBanana BombHoly Hand GrenadeMinigunBaseball BatSuper SheepSheep-on-a-RopeSheep StrikeOld WomanPriceless Ming VaseWorms DC weapons panel, page 3
Kenny-på-ett-RepPostal StrikeNuclear BombConcrete DonkeyExtra weapons in Worms DC

Worms DC exclusive weapons

Grenade Launcher

See also

External links

Personal tools