Worms Armageddon ReadMe (English)/v3.6.20.3 Beta Update

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  • There was a bug in v3.6.20.2 causing improper emulation of v3.6.20.1. Using clustered weapons, skunks, longbows or axes could cause a desync. Now, v3.6.20.1 is properly emulated.
  • To avoid invoking v3.6.20.2's improper emulation of v3.6.20.1, this version, when hosting, will avoid emulating .20.1 if there are players with .20.2 present; in this case it will emulate instead. Note that there is still an exception in which a desync can happen: if you are not the host of a game, and the other people in it have a mixture of .20.1 and .20.2, then during the game the .20.2 players may desync and drop out. If the host is running .20.2 then the whole game could desync.
  • The instant replay fix in v3.6.20.2 was incomplete, and could cause a crash.

[hide] W:A Version History
v3.5 Beta 1 • Beta 2
v3.6.x.x 19.7 (.11 • .12 • .14 • .15 • .17 • .17a • .18 • .19) • 20.1 (.2 • .3) • 21.1 (.2 • .3) • 22.1 • 23.0 (.1 • .2) • 24.1 (.2) • 25.1a • 26.4 (.5) • 28.0 • 29.0 • 30.0 • 31.0 • 31.2b
v3.7.x.x 0.0 • 2.1
v3.8.x 0 • 1
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