User:CyberShadow/Worms Armageddon ReadMe (English)/v3.6.23.2 Beta Update

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v3.6.23.2 Beta Update (2005.03.24)


  • The Gfx0.dir and Gfx1.dir included in v3.6.23.0 (in the larger archive which required only W:A v3.0 or later to be installed) were experimental versions in which certain sprites such as the oil drum looked bad due to poor palette appropriation.
  • Under Windows 9x, residence in Chile or Slovenia (whose flags were added in v3.6.23.0) was not detected, even if the information was provided by Windows. In the case of Chile, the flag defaulted to Spain. (Note that Serbia cannot be detected under Windows 9x, because it has the same language code as Croatia.)
  • Fixes affecting game logic
    • It was possible for a crate to fall on top of a frozen worm, or very close to one. It this happened immediately before the frozen worm's team got its turn, then the crate would be instantly collected. [This fix was ineffective. See the entry for v3.6.26.4.]

W:A Version History
v3.5 Beta 1 • Beta 2
v3.6.x.x 19.7 (.11 • .12 • .14 • .15 • .17 • .17a • .18 • .19) • 20.1 (.2 • .3) • 21.1 (.2 • .3) • 22.1 • 23.0 (.1 • .2) • 24.1 (.2) • 25.1a • 26.4 (.5) • 28.0 • 29.0 • 30.0 • 31.0 • 31.2b
v3.7.x.x 0.0 • 2.1
v3.8.x 0 • 1