User:CyberShadow/Worms Armageddon ReadMe (English)/v3.6.20.2 Beta Update

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v3.6.20.2 Beta Update (2004.08.03)


  • Some people experienced a jerky game with, for a reason entirely unrelated to that which the timer workaround addressed. It was caused by the previous fix "W:A no longer uses 100% CPU unnecessarily." and is now resolved; it turns out that in-game, 100% CPU usage only ever occurred while minimised; yet in, the fix was applied even when the game was in the foreground.
  • To avoid distraction, the phone icon (which could swap sides at any time in now only swaps sides while hidden.
  • Fixes affecting game logic
    • There was a bug in v3.6.20.1 where instant replays could diverge from what actually happened, especially if roping or mines were involved. Through a loophole, this also allowed the offline use of slow motion. The possible earlier use of the loophole is now reported when playing back replays in which it was used (pull down the chat to see such messages).
    • In v3.6.20.1, schemes that had been externally edited to give weapons power levels higher than 5 stars no longer worked in the same way. This caused desyncs when playing back replays and playing online games using such schemes. Now, compatibility is restored, as long as the power levels lie within some "standard" ranges. All weapons must be <=20 stars; Mortar, Cluster Bomb, Banana Bomb, Air Strike and Napalm Strike must be <=15 stars; Skunk and Longbow must be <=10 stars; Axe must be <=5 stars. Schemes that break these limits will bring up a warning when loaded or when a replay is opened.
    • Worms can now always dismount the Jet Pack or Parachute by pressing Space, whereas before, this was not possible in Artillery mode (in which worms are forbidden from walking or jumping).

[hide] W:A Version History
v3.5 Beta 1 • Beta 2
v3.6.x.x 19.7 (.11 • .12 • .14 • .15 • .17 • .17a • .18 • .19) • 20.1 (.2 • .3) • 21.1 (.2 • .3) • 22.1 • 23.0 (.1 • .2) • 24.1 (.2) • 25.1a • 26.4 (.5) • 28.0 • 29.0 • 30.0 • 31.0 • 31.2b
v3.7.x.x 0.0 • 2.1
v3.8.x 0 • 1
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