Take out the Mine

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(Up to Scheme ideas)
Game setup
Take out the Mine:
View scheme settings
Specially-designed map (example)
One per map side

Take out the Mine is a RubberWorm scheme that uses the features "Shot Doesn't End Turn" and "Fire Doesn't Pause Timer", consisting in a race in which players must drop weapons (bazookas, grenades, dynamites and bananas) from the Jet Pack to blow a dropped mine through all the map, taking care not to blow it up (if this happens, they will have to drop a new one at the latest checkpoint achieved), and not to lose the turn due to taking damage on the worm being controlled.


  • AFJ - Attack From Jetpack (players must drop weapons from jetpack to push the mine)
  • STF - Start to Finish (each worm on its corresponding side must start at start and push its mine to the finish)
  • Auto/hot keys are forbidden!
  • If you accidently blew up the mine, you should continue from the latest checkpoint you achieved, dropping a new mine there. If you didn’t reach the first checkpoint: start from start again).

Gameplay alternatives

Suggested by the author

  • 100-200 HP worms (for experient players)
  • Right after playing on one side and reaching the finish, play again, but this time on the other side (which might cause the feeling of playing on a different map).

Different from the original setup rules

Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: An experimental 2vs2 Take out the Mine game
with sbs and FoxHound against Royal and cCLoWn
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  • Even though the original map description (with the scheme setup rules) says that players shouldn't play with more than 1 worm for each map side, the replay available on the right of this text shows an experimental 2vs2 gameplay: two allied worms per map side (1 per team/player). Note that the second allied worm may cause the mine activation, so players must be careful with that.


On 19th August 2012, Skum released a map + scheme on WMDB titled "Take out the Mine".

Similar ideas

On 9th November 2010 merlade released on WMDB a very similar scheme entitled "Mine Race". Skum commented on this map complaining that maybe "Take out the Mine" was not a new idea. On 8th August 2011 Peti released another very similar map + scheme named "Dud Mine Race". Also, a 2009 scheme in which players have to push a Worm instead of a mine already existed: xDNCxGhost64x's Baseball Race. Later, in 2014, a racing scheme with this "pushing a worm" concept was created by sbs, receiving the name "Driver" (inspired by the first task of his map "Rubber Board II", released months before). This scheme also uses the Jet Pack a lot.

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