From Worms Knowledge Base
is a world class ugly Korean who's addicted to making and playing rubber schemes. His Korean name is pronounced "Dong Bo Cha", and many Koreans misunderstand this name as some sort of tea they never heard of. This wormer also plays tus games, and he possesses special arrogance to call himself as the King of Tus League Player. He now writes information about his scheme on different site because all of worm2d members are scared of what he's going to do with his site! His worm teams consist of bunch of ugly group of worms who spout loads of hideous sounds which can potentially ear-bleed among people with sensitive ears. It is said that his team graveyards will make even the most vulgar group of people vomit senselessly. People often play with DBC with their eyes closed and speaker turned off due to these problems, giving DBC a colossally cheap advantage on winning games. He is obsessed on hosting RubberWorm games with his fake snooper bot account, "WkitRWormHoster". He used to play Worms Armageddon offline, and started to play Worms World Party for some time. Then this ugly Korean start playing Worms Armageddon again! (Not Good...? I THINK SO!!! >D)
[hide]More about this Worm Addict
- Valid RubberWorm addict who relentlessly wants everyone else to play it!
- Frequently updates this article due to his intense attention seeking compulsion!!
- Worships CYBERSHADOW!!!
- Will be willing to help other people create their rubber schemes. (HUL? WHY!)
- Certified multitasking lunatic. (Gets delirium out of this behavior at times.)
- Loves playing Worms Armageddon while binge eating. (Note: Eats five big meals per day!)
- Plays too many different kinds of schemes. (His wrecked up brain fries from this habit!)
- Does not like playing regular shopper game because he has ADHD! =O
- Lives in USA because he found everyone in Korea too intelligent for him to get along with.
- (Note: If you have thought picture at the right is the ugliest man in the world, think again as DBC easily outclasses this Asian in terms of ugliness!)
This Ugly Korean's Three Primary Worm Teams
- DumbBongWorms (Only group of worms that DBC can fit well into, in terms of appearance.)
- FatPikachus (A team created due to DBC being a hardcore Pokemon fan.)
- TeamCoco (DBC's Dream team)
- (Note: These teams all got custom flag and grave; Only DBW and FatPikachus got custom sound bank.)
His Wild Scheme Creations
- Neocombat (Original scheme inspired from kaos and intermediate.)
- Blitz Fort (Mass weapon firing sheep fort.)
- Gravity Warfare (Scheme with black hole element.)
- JetPack Assault (No ruled Jetpack shopper with some extra tools to spice up a game.)
- DBC's Kaos (Quicker paced, less luck but less wilder version of Kaos.)
- WildWar (Part spam weapon firing scheme!)
- Ground Zero (Indescribable hard to play scheme.)
- MassAttack [3 diff versions: reg, X, and DX] (No ruled shopper with many weapons and tools at start.)
- Rest of other rubber schemes that aren't very original and/or playable yet.
- (Note: Most of the his scheme articles in scheme ideas have outdated .wsc files!!!)
Schemes He Shamelessly Indulges In
- NAiL's SCHEMES! (Crate Chase, Wipeout, QuickDraw, and Etc.)
- Fighter's Plop War Rubber Version
- DreamTrance's Jumper
- Foxhound's Snooker
- Fly, Reg, WxW, Pod, and Surf Shopper (likes rubber version more)
- Kaos and this Scheme's Variations.
- Plop War, Jet Pack Race, and Battle Race
- Dabble and Fidget, Team 17, Intermediate(fails at this one), and Elite
- Tower Race (regular and various rubberworm versions)
- Any Other Good Rubberworm and Regular Schemes
His Luck Blessed Replays
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W:A replay: An example of a SheepGlitch match with DumbBongChow, MEDVEDxEvilPunk, and IL`Gal`pH |
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W:A replay: An example of a older Neocombat match with WaterMelon, DarkLord-V- and DumbBongChow |
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- 1st Replay: His game against MEDVEDxEvilPunk and IL`Gal`pH. CYBERSHADOW gave DumbBongChow a Super-sheep spawn hack which ultimately led DBC to victory.
- 2nd Replay: His first round game against UISxWaterMelon and DarkLord-V-. CYBERSHADOW convinced DarkLord-V- to team up with DumbBongChow to fight against demigod named UISxWaterMelon. (Note: Old version of Neocombat)
- 3rd Replay: His fifth round game against igor`nc, and ``Sh-SV``. CYBERSHADOW gave DumbBongChow all the weapon he need to destroy his enemies, the RAMBO way. DBC's Kaos
- 4th Replay: His third round game against SiD`sW. CYBERSHADOW gave DumbBongChow a super spawn advantage to help him win this game. JetPack Assault
- 5th Replay: His game against UISxWaterMelon. CYBERSHADOW gave DumbBongChow Ritalin and steroids to help him cheaply win this game. Blitz Fort
- 6th Replay: His game against SiD and arcs. No surprised here; his luck is blessed by CYBERSHADOW... yet again! Gravity Warfare
- 7th Replay: His game against JEDI`-B-Lord and INF`-Drafenno. CYBERSHADOW told them to go easy and nice on DBC to help him win the game! Neocombat
- 8-10th Replay: His series of game against Vince`Kf`. Vince'Kf' beat the life out of DBC even with CYBERSHADOW's various help! Neocombat
- Note: Many of the replays are removed in this profile. These replays can be downloaded by clicking one of the linked scheme text. Once the web browser is in another page, the replay box will be shown at the new page, allowing people to download it. The scheme file and description are also there in those links.
This Worm Addict's Face Revealed!
After series of investigation of this unusual person, witness have found out how this person looks like to some extent. Unfortunately, there are no photo of this person yet, and many different witness have drawn this person appeareance based on their observation. Witness have told the drawings look only half as ugly as his true appeareance... In other words, drawing cannot fully express how hideous he actually look due to witness having trouble looking straight at his face due to his monsterous level of ugliness. People have also reported that people break their camera before desparately trying to take a photo of him. Based on the drawings, people confidently say that he is a drug induced lunatic.
About this Profile
This article is written by DumbBongChow himself. He does not want anybody else to modify it. Any comments about my profile under REVIEW ME!!! section on would be great! Also, more clear info about me is under that link. THZ a lot for checking out this profile! Also thank you very much if any of the people are hosting and spreading my Rubberworm schemes: Neocombat, Blitz Fort, Gravity Warfare, JetPack Assault, and DBC's Kaos! =D