Zero-G Minigolf

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Revision as of 07:54, 22 January 2023 by FoxHound (Talk | contribs)

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(Up to Scheme ideas)
Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: Multi Segment Zero-G
Minigolf 1st map Speedrun with sbs (part1)
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Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: Multi Segment Zero-G
Minigolf 1st map Speedrun with sbs (part2)
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Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: Multi Segment Zero-G
Minigolf 1st map Speedrun with sbs (part3)
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Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: Multi Segment Zero-G
Minigolf 1st map Speedrun with sbs (part4)
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Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: Multi Segment Zero-G
Minigolf 1st map Speedrun with sbs (part5)
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Game setup
Zero-G Minigolf:
View scheme settings
Specially designed map (example)
1 per team

The weapon specific racing-like scheme Zero-G Minigolf or zmg is a wormy adaptation of the real-life Minigolf sport. With the help of Extended Scheme Options, it's zero gravity (linear movements) and Weapon Use Doesn't End Turn. The main weapons are: Teleport and grenades.


Start at Start

Players must position their worms on the spot written "start".


Throw a grenade, and teleport to the final location of it (where it stopped/disappeared).

Obs.: You'll just have to look where the grenade stopped and place yourself as accurately as you can! Grenades have no explosion so this isn't hard if you just follow it with teleport cursor.

Plop to Advance

The minigolf holes are actually the water, the ball (grenade) must plop there in order to advance: teleport to the start of the next zone.


The first player to plop the grenade in the corresponding hole of each section/part of the map (all of them), wins. Alternatively, instead of focusing on time or turns, the game can be based on shots needed per course (players should count them). The host decides.


The development of this scheme by orbik started some time in 2019 and kept unfinished until it was uploaded to TUS, along with the first map, on 19th September 2022. The decision to publish the scheme was encouraged by sbs after a Snorkel testing game orbik played with him that made orbik remind his project and play it in the sequence. Later, FoxHound asked for the release of the scheme aswell, since he enjoyed playing that unfinished version of Zero-G Minigolf with sbs.

For the possible future maps of this scheme, the author recommends starting each track in a white rectangle, number them in a clear enough font and maybe give funny/random names too.

Similar ideas

Before this scheme

PX Jump weapon

Note that Project X has a weapon called "Jump" that does almost exactly the same as the rule about teleportating the worm into the place where the grenade stoped (see videos: [1], [2]).

Zero gravity

Before Zero-G Minigolf official release, there were other schemes that used zero gravity feature:

  1. Snooker (2011)
  2. Pool (2012)
  3. Space Race (2017)
  4. Snorkel (August 2022).

This article has a to-do list:
  • add image
  • add gif
  • add tactics section
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