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(Up to Schemes)
10 seconds to rope and attack!
Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: An example of a Quickdraw game
with lalo and Jago taken from Worm Olympics
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Game setup
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Specially designed maps (examples)
8 per team 1v1;
6 per team 2v2
Quickdraw main weapons

Quickdraw is a battle scheme of 10 seconds of turn time that requires quick thinking and other skills. The basic principle of the scheme is to deal as much damage to your opponent whilst maintaining your worms as safe as possible, since the worms only have 55 hit points each and the main weapon of the scheme is the infinite Shotgun, along with the infinite 5-powered Ninja Rope that is useful to knock worms on the slippery tunnels of the maps or for a fast locomotion. For a "serious" game, it works best 1v1 (8 worms per player), or 2v2 (6 worms per player), but if played with more than 2 players an optional KTL (Kill The Leader) or ABL (All But Last) rule might be applied.

Detailed gameplay

Saving weapons for Sudden Death is important: jetchute missile kill!

Quickdraw offers dynamic and creative gameplay: the hot-seat time provides precious time to plan precisely in a play and then the player has to execute the moves carefully and fast, since there are instant mines and a simple fall may cause 5 or more of damage which means that the worm now is murderable in a single turn with 2 shotgun shots. Sometimes only one shot of the shotgun is succesful, in other situations, the shots (especially the Longbow ones) can be used to slide worms on the tunnels or push a mine for greater damage. F3-key weapons are unlimited while the others have usually only a single ammo. In desperate close combat situations, the physical impact weapons and the Battle Axe are crucial, while the long range weapons of the game (incredibly the Mole Bomb is one of the most, along with the Homing Missile) should be used wisely, usually saved for the Sudden Death that does not take too long to happen. The Mine and the Grenade are also very strong weapons of the game, with a big delay, wasting them may cost a match. The same goes to the single Jet Pack that usually is more versatile, faster and more valuable than the rope to attack and hide.

How to make maps

Quickdraw map
  1. Take a random dual-layered cavern map with a substantial land mass in the Worms Armageddon map editor.
  2. Use the number 4 brush and right click to carve completely random passages all over the map (swash the cursor a couple of times), making a good few plops on the floor.
  3. Select the number 2 brush and do the same. This will create many smaller passages, just big enough for worms to walk through, making great hiding spots and sentry points.
  4. Any texture may be used, however the ones that work best are Hospital, Manhatten and Beach, since they stay true to the original map image, and will not distort thin terrain. Select (around) 10 objects and press the reseed button until you find a good gameplay layout.

This process should take no longer than a minute, meaning that a "random" map can be played every time.


WO icon

Quickdraw was created by NAiL probably in 2009 or 2010, since the scheme was the winner of the first edition of the Worms Scheme Contest, scoring 80 points. The "Scheme of the Year" only received the prize of the contest around 10 years later (and not by the contest's crew): an article on this wiki (appearing on the Schemes page).

Competitive events

The scheme has featured in competitive events, appearing in the Worm Olympics for the years 2010, 2012 and 2013, and appearing in cups on The Ultimate Site in 2011.

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