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m (Readme link for
(Moved IndiMask back into compatible section.)
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| All
| All
| [[People/Drey08|drey08]]
| [[People/Drey08|drey08]]
| '''[[wkIndiMask|IndiMask]]'''
| It allows maps to have both destructible and indy areas by embedding data in the palette.
| {{WA editions|cd|steam|gog}}
| {{and lower}}
| [[People/Plutonic|Plutonic]]
| '''[[MapGEN]]'''
| '''[[MapGEN]]'''
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| {{and lower}}
| [[People/boobl|boobl]], [[People/StepS|StepS]]
| [[People/boobl|boobl]], [[People/StepS|StepS]]
| '''[[wkIndiMask|IndiMask]]'''
| It allows maps to have both destructible and indy areas by embedding data in the palette.
| {{WA editions|cd|steam|gog}}
| {{and lower}}
| [[People/Plutonic|Plutonic]]
| '''[[wkKawooshKick|KawooshKick]]'''
| '''[[wkKawooshKick|KawooshKick]]'''

Revision as of 20:34, 9 August 2020

(Up to Software)
icon WormKit
Developer: CyberShadow
Supported games: W:A
Supported W:A version: All versions
Language: Delphi
License: Open-source[1]

WormKit was an extension framework for Worms Armageddon. The distribution contained a module loader (whose only purpose is to load WormKit modules), and a set of default modules, each providing specific functionality.

By convention, a WormKit module is a DLL file, the filename of which begins with the prefix "wk". There is no API or further integration, however some DLLs can provide common functionality for other modules to share (such as wkPackets).

Starting with W:A version, the ability to load WormKit modules is included as a game option, which makes the loader itself obsolete.

Some of the WormKit modules listed on this page have eventually become part of the base game. Such is the case, for example, with D3D9Wnd and RubberWorm in Update 3.8.


Original modules

Name Short description Compat. W:A version Developer
AntiKeyboardHook[1] Stop MS Windows (2000 - 8.1) from disabling Alt+Tab / Win+... keyboard combinations for wa.exe.[2][3] This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All CyberShadow
FileOverride[1] Override files from the CD-ROM with your versions. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All CyberShadow
SoundCardSelect[1] Choose the soundcard W:A should use for sound output. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All CyberShadow
WormNAT2 Allows hosting games even if you're behind a router or firewall. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. CyberShadow

Current modules by community

Name Short description Compat. W:A version Developer
AntiLag A simple module to fix screen lags in-game by increasing the WA.exe process priority. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All Kawoosh
BindKeys A key mapper which works independently of the game's code and has a toggle key option. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All drey08
IndiMask It allows maps to have both destructible and indy areas by embedding data in the palette. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Plutonic
MapGEN Allows to generate random PNG maps from the map editor. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All Plutonic
NewWave Play custom music instead of the original in-game music. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All terion
NV3Doff Prevents the NVIDIA 3DVision from becoming active when using Direct3D 9. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All Kawoosh
RemapKeys A W:A-specific key remapper which doesn't affect chatting and works in-game only. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. 3.7+ Kawoosh, StepS
SuperFrontendHD Allows to run the menu screens at any screen resolution with higher-definition graphics. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. 3.7+ StepS
wkWMDB Allows the downloading of maps randomly from the WMDB site from within the editor, based on schemes and map size. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All Plutonic

Developer modules, SDKs, debuggers

Name Short description Compat. W:A version Developer
DetectFocusLoss Helpful to find what process(es) steal focus from the game (causing e.g. unwanted minimizations) This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All StepS
MinidumpOnCtrlBreak Helpful to find reasons of certain freezes. Creates dump by pressing Ctrl+Break. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All CyberShadow
PointerScan A pointer scan made specifically for W:A. Helpful in the development of new WormKit modules. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Pisto
VersionCheck An example on C++ to verify the W:A version before hooking code. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All Kawoosh
wkSample The example open source module, which shows the development of WormKit modules. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All The SCS

Not compatible with the latest release

Name Short description Compat. W:A version Developer
FkeyRearrange Allows the user to redefine the order and content of weapons for each F hotkey. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. boobl, StepS
KawooshKick An in-game kicking module, fully compatible with v3.7.2.1, supports kicking reasons. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Kawoosh
LobbyCmd Allows to change the in-game resolution from a network game lobby to any value. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Kawoosh
PrivateCfg Allows you to store all the W:A settings in an INI file instead of registry. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Kawoosh
Project X Extends W:A with scripting, custom weapons and DirectX 9 rendering. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Entuser
Rehost Allows reopening games when using a snooper to host. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Kawoosh
ReplayShark Allows to build a catalog of nice moments by pressing a button when something cool happens. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Glide
Snow A module to enable, customize and/or disable snow anytime, doesn't affect map generation. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. StepS
Terrain Allows to specify custom terrains for use with the map generator. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. xKoweKx
TrackMeBetter Allows to tune the in-game camera tracking rectangle for object motion. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. StepS

Obsolete (historical)

Name Short description Compat. W:A version Developer
ColorFix Fixes the color bug on Vista and Windows 7 by suspending the "explorer.exe" process. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All CyberShadow
PathOverride Modifies the registry to use WormKit.exe for URLs (like "wa://") and replay files. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All Kawoosh
RandomMap Allows you to download random maps from WMDB directly from the map editor. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Undefined[4] ShadowTheAge
wndmode DirectDraw windowed mode running in a wrapper. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All menopem, VEG,
Kawoosh, StepS
UseDesktopWindow A module which in future will help to run WWP and older W:A on Wine. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. All Muzer
D3D9Wnd A Direct3D 9-based windowed mode, which works natively and includes some cool features. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. 3.7.x Kawoosh, StepS
RubberWorm Extends the W:A physics engine with new options. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Pisto, Kawoosh
Localizer Allows you to translate W:A fully (frontend, ingame, etc), goes with an editor. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Kawoosh
PXColorPwnage Fixes the Darker team colour scheme when PX is enabled. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Kawoosh
CinusKick An analog to wKick module for W:A update This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Cinus
JetFix Provides a workaround for the jetpack bug when using BattyRope or TestStuff. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Pisto
LaserFix A fix for the Laser Sight desynchronization bug in v3.6.29.0, and some nice features. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Pisto
wKick Allows you to kick people in-game by typing a command in the chat. Works only on This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. Pisto
wkMagic First proof-of-concept module that allowed game logic code modification in online games. This item is compatible with the CD edition of W:A.  This item is not compatible with the Steam edition of W:A.This item is not compatible with the GOG edition of W:A. CyberShadow

For Worms 2 / WWP

Name Short description Compat. Version Developer
ReSolution Allows to change the in-game resolution in Worms 2 and Worms World Party to any value, as well as zoom and resize the game environment. [W2][—][WWP] 1.05 (W2)
1.0x (WWP)
DDShot Allows to take screenshots in DirectDraw games (via the Pause key) or dump shots of all surfaces (via Alt+Pause). [W2][WA][WWP] All StepS
fkNetcode Fixes netcode related issues in the Worms 2 frontend, primarily resolving a proper external IP address for hosting games. [W2][—][—] 1.05/1.07 (Frontend) Pac-Man
W2 Windowed Mode Allows to run Worms 2 in a window and fixes Windows 8+ performance issues. [W2][—][—] All See "wndmode"
WWP Windowed Mode Fixes compatibility with all modern systems and drivers and allows to use windowed mode. [—][—][WWP] All See "wndmode"


WormKit was first released on April 5, 2006. Since its release, no significant changes or additions were made to the framework itself. Although there was some work on additional default modules, including an anti-cheating system (wkWormisign) and a Fiddler-like scripted game engine add-on (wkMagic), none reached a development phase mature enough to be released, and thus the ideas were dropped.

In July 2011, WormKitDS was released. WormKitDS is an alternative module loader which removes the need of a launcher program. WormKitDS made managing WormKit-requiring replays easier, and worked under Linux and for the Steam edition of the game, whereas the original WormKit did not.

In December 2012, W:A was released, with the addition of an option to load WormKit modules on startup. The new option made the loaders mostly obsolete.

In February 2013, the original WormKit homepage (previously located at http://worms.thecybershadow.net/wormkit/) was shut down and turned into a redirect to this page. The default modules have been made available as separate downloads. The old (obsolete) distribution can still be downloaded here.

In July 2020, FrontendKitWS was created to patch issues specifically related to the Worms 2 frontend, as it does not support loading modules through WormKitDS.

See also

  • WormKitDS loads modules for Worms 2 (in-game), W:A (pre-3.7), and Worms World Party
  • FrontendKitWS loads modules for Worms 2 (frontend)


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Source code for WormKit and default modules can be found on GitHub.
  2. Jump up This module will not work with the game's "Load WormKit modules" option. A loader (WormKit.exe or WormKitDS) must be used instead.
  3. Jump up This module is now obsolete on Windows 10 (because the root cause has been fixed by Microsoft), as well as Steam and GOG editions of the game.
  4. Jump up After the update, wkRandomMap has stopped working on some systems, but it is unknown what makes it malfunction on any particular system. This module is now deprecated; wkWMDB is preferable.
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