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(Up to Schemes)
Game setup
View scheme settings

Strategic is an intrinsic scheme that, as the name suggests, it is supposed to be a tactical scheme about planning your moves wisely.

The scheme settings are similar to Intermediate, including the fact that all weapons have 3 stars of power (standard damage and craters), however there is a major difference: "stockpile anti" is enabled.

Some other notable differences from it are: x9 ammo for Ninja Rope, Girder, Blow Torch, and Pneumatic Drill, x5 Select Worms, x2 Baseball Bats and Bungees, x3 Parachutes and Teleports, 60 generous seconds of turn time, water rising is slow (5 pixels), there are no dud mines, manual placement is on (players have to choose where their worms will start with Teleport), no initial ammo for Jet Pack, Air Strike and Napalm Strike, x1 Freeze, x1 Scales of Justice, although Super Weapons are disabled from crates.


  • The Ninja Rope ammo is vast. So, Rope Knocking can be explored (specially with a generous turn time), but it still need to be used carefully due to anti stockpiling (the ammo might be important in future rounds). However, if players do abuse them too much, they can possibly ran out of ammo. Relying on crates, the single Low Gravity, the two Parachutes, the 3 Bungees, the 3 Teleports and the 9 Girders.
  • There are a lot of girders in this scheme, so, they can be used to block worms many times, or they can be used to climb the terrain if the intention is to save Ninja Rope ammo.
  • There are a lot of Select Worms in this scheme, and don't forget this scheme has manual placement, so they can be explored not necessarily in the first turns like it is in Intermediate, for example: they may be used to remove allied worms from a pile (see Pile in Worms Terminology) or may be used to avoid playing with blocked worms if necessary.
  • Because "stockpile anti" is enabled, it might be better to store stronger weapons for next matches, particularly if you have collected lots of weapon crates.

Criticisms, problems and weaknesses

  • Despite the mentioned differences in the scheme settings, if players don't play all the anti stockpiling needed rounds, it will not differ much from Intermediate.
  • If played with many worms, the manual placement can make the game take much longer to start the battle itself.
  • Some players might dislike playing with so many girders blocking the way.
  • If players don't play all the anti stockpiling needed rounds, some players might think it is not so challenging playing with so many ropes.
  • If played with many players (example: 6), the 60 seconds of turn time can be an eternity for a player waiting its time to play.


The scheme has been around as long as the game itself (Worms Armageddon was released in 1999), having been provided as part of the default schemes in the base game.

This article has a to-do list:
  • Add replay
  • Discover an ideal/suggested number of worms and map for better gameplay or possible competitive play
  • Add image
  • Add gif
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