Rubber Baseball
From Worms Knowledge Base
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W:A replay: Rubber Baseball tutorial replay with Ponty |
Download · Info |
Game setup |
Scheme |
Rubber Baseball: |
Map |
Specially designed map (examples: mappack and original) |
Worms |
2 worms each team. More than 2 teams can go in 1v2, 2v2, 2v3, etc… but only in 2 team colors (blue / red)! |
Rubber Baseball is a RubberWorm scheme that is a wormy adaptation of the sport Baseball. Each player control two worms: the Pitcher and the Batter. The pitcher must use the Ninja Rope to skim on the water, then use Select Worm (during the skim) to change to the batter prepare to hit pitcher in mid air to one of the bases. The number of the base the pitcher (ball) lands will be the number of arrows that must be fired on the score board. The first player to make its score board line of arrows reach a certain distance (with a marker) wins.
[hide]Game settings
- Time: unlimited / 120 seconds
- Roster input: /ts (make sure to enable TestStuff before every game of Rubber Baseball)
- Additional roster input which is included in the scheme, therefore you don’t need to type this yourself: /sdet, /ldet, /antisink, /fdpt.
- The starting team is decided by which team can bat a surfing worm further (see "How to play" section for details on batting). The number of the bases is insignificant here. The team which bats further in distance will start the game in the next round, where batting into a base will count for points. This means shooting arrows into the targets will only start from the coming rounds.
- Surf with "worm1" from the left and hit your worm with the baseball bat with "worm2". You have 3 swings with your bat and 90 seconds (in case of unlimited time), or up over 30 seconds (in case of 120 seconds time limit) to perform your batting. (If rounds are set to 120, the remaining time – 30 seconds - is for the rest of the game. If you plop, but you do not swing your bat, that doesn’t count as a swing. If you bat the worm into one of the 4(5) bases, it’s your last swing in that turn and you have to go with those points.)
- Teleport to the counter on the top and shoot your target with the number of arrows equal to the number of base which you landed on. (If you fall between nr. 1 and 2, that means you landed in base 2, in which case you can shoot 2 arrows into your team’s target. Also make sure you straighten your aim to a perfect 90’!)
- The team which first fills the meter on the top with arrows - up to where one of the "win" signs stands - is the winner. (The first "win" sign is at approximately 25 arrows’ length, and the second „win” sign is at approximately at 50. Its a decision which the players must make to play a shorter or a longer game, which must be decided at the start of each game. Sometimes the same amount of arrows may differ in length, because of the frame based collision system, so this is bit of a luck factor, however it is usually not the main thing that decides the outcome of the matches.)
How to play
- Position batter worm on the bottom right island (USE TELEPORT)
- Position pitcher worm on the bottom left island (USE WORM SELECT, TELEPORT)
- Use pitcher worm and attach rope to one of the small dots
- Launch the pitcher worm to surf across (have worm select as your 2nd weapon)
- When surfing, you need to do this combo: ENTER --> TAB --> F7 (worm select --> switch --> equip bat)
- Adjust batter worm to hit the surfing worm (aim bat, walk up/down on slope)
- Hit the surfing worm mid-air and watch which base it lands into
- Teleport to your team’s arrow meter and shoot perfectly straight arrows into your team’s target to fill it up until you reach the “win” sign (you can get a perfect 90 degree shot by aiming horizontally with the rope or the baseball bat, then selecting arrow to perform the perfectly straight shot)
Additional rules (league/non-league) and moral code
- Like in many other WA schemes, if a player fails to play by the rules (be it intentional or accidental) the right thing to do is to skip a turn. This should be considered as a rule of the scheme naturally.
- This is a difficult game! If needed, take a few turns to practice how to bat mid-surf worms properly. Be patient to teach your friends how to play this game (if they are willing to learn it from you).
- The rules of this game are mostly consensual. Make sure you play by the rules, and don’t take them too easily. Unless you play this scheme in a league, if sometimes you or your opponent is off the 90 sec limit with just a little, don’t push the rules too hard, but make sure to use the chat window!
- Make sure you don’t render the map unplayable by brainlessly shooting tons of arrows everywhere! If a player ruins any part of the map and the opposing team claims the win which becomes an option in this case, then the game is over, and the shooter looses.
- Do not block the other team’s arrow meter with your worms. Doing so makes you a jerk and also counts as a cow.
- In case you accidentally put an additional arrow into your team’s target over the points you’ve earned in that turn, it counts as a cow. There is an exception for this rule when you play a non-league game, or even in league, your opponent clearly tells you that it’s okay. In this case you or the opposing team will have the option to put +1 arrow into their target to even the additional arrow out. In case you accidentally shoot an unwanted arrow somewhere, try to make sure the second arrow hits something, where it would probably not get in the way!
- It is forbidden by martial law to start bitching about how much longer your opponent’s arrows are by pure chance (well not really, but it’s just pointless). My guess is that the collision model for the arrows is based on frames (I might just be wrong and maybe there’s an evil spirit controlling all the seemingly random aspects of the game ^^), so it truly is very close to pure chance. It is a part of the game, so take it like a man if chances don’t favor you as much as you’d like.
- Make sure you don’t overlook the timer and bore the living hell out of your playmates by heavily exceeding your 90 seconds timeframe for batting (especially when you play with infinite time).
- It is quite pointless to roam around with the rope to position the pitcher or the batter. Use Teleport! It saves you time and effort. Not to speak of the mechanics of antisink, which teleports you back into the last standing position in case you plop.
- Make sure you don’t use surrender instead of worm select! Tapping F12 without caution can lead to unforeseen consequences! Boo Mr. Freeman!
- This is not a game to destroy your opponent, this game is mostly about having fun!
Rubber Baseball was created by Ponty probably in 2009, since it was present in the first edition of the Worms Scheme Contest in which it received third place, scoring 71 points. It was later submitted to WMDB on 24th December 2010. On 28th July 2010, the scheme was commented on WoRmS.oRg.Ua.
The author's acknowledgements go to nW’Dragon and nW’Tomi, to FoxHound, to xVIWxTuMaDrE, and all other wormer players that were inspirations, for testing and helping the development of this game. Also to CyberShadow and Deadcode for making WormKit and the .29 patch! And to Pisto for wkRubberWorm!
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