Sheep Fort

From Worms Knowledge Base

Revision as of 01:10, 14 March 2023 by FoxHound (Talk | contribs) (Wrong scheme name (the file is correct))

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(Up to Schemes)
Game setup
Sheep Fort:
View scheme settings
Specially-designed map (examples: Misc. -> Bloopy)
Examples at the WMDB
One per start place/hole at each fort/base (or less)

Sheep Fort is a scheme similar to Super Sheep Race, with maze-like (tunnels) maps, designed thinking on the Super Sheep (or Aqua sheep) flight. The difference is that Sheep Fort is a battle scheme and the maps are usually symmetrical (each side has a base where worms should be placed), so it's like Fort (can be seen as a mixture of Super Sheep Race + Fort).

The objective of the game is to eliminate the other players from the game using Super or Aqua Sheep. The scheme usually contains health crates that can be collected to gain some more health, but they usually do not supply so many health, otherwise the game may take forever, depending on the map.


  • Start at Start (S@S) - Players must place their worms on the spot labelled Start, S, or similar, and must place them on their side of the map only.


Multi Super Sheep Fort

This variation (Multi Super Sheep Fort) released on WMDB (and on TUS on 13th April 2011 by KirA uses RW's multishot feature, indestructible big maps and explores Sheep Glitch from Bungee. Here is a short YouTube video explaining how to play.

Rubber Sheep Fort

This variation (Rubber Sheep Fort) released on WMDB on 8th August 2018 by sbs uses RubberWorm's multishot feature, destructible big maps and also explores Sheep Glitch from Bungee.


The origins of Sheep Fort are unknown, but there are maps dating back to 2000 created by Dexter345 and GameMaster. The oldest map available on WMDB for this scheme was published by RwAxFaD on 14th May 2008.

This scheme is supported by HostingBuddy.

This article has a to-do list:
  • add an image and a gif
  • add a replay
  • tactics section
  • links for older maps (from BTP)
  • more details about the origins of this scheme and authorship
  • add Multi Super Sheep Fort variation scheme and replay
  • add Rubber Sheep Fort replay
  • add more variations/variants