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Game setup
View scheme settings
Bigger than 1920 x 696 bulky terrain maps (examples)
As many as the map will support for automatic placement. Suggestion for 1vs1: 8

Teleporting is a scheme in which the premise is that with only 10 seconds of turn time you must teleport (only to crates) fast, wisely and carefully and attack/protect many times (due to multishot) from the same spots the crates spawned on a big terrain map which supports a lot of worms and the super weapons that sometimes appear in the crates.

Game rules

  • Take at least 1 crate before any other action, i. e., 1 crate before attack or even before using some weapon in a defensive manner.
  • The Teleport must be used only to go into a crate location. Whenever you're using it, your worm must respawn and grab a crate. If you miss it, that teleportation is not valid, it must be repeated until the worm takes the crate.

Gameplay example

Your turn begins. You'll have 3 crates available. Think carefully about which one to pick up (and the order of these collects), if not all of these, because the worms will be anchored to the place where you are using teleport.

To take full advantage of your 10 seconds, be quick in your moves. If you do it well, it will be enough to collect the 3 crates and even to carry out several attacks... Moreover, to perform some defensive action (with girders for example)... Taking full advantage of RubberWorm features (sdet + usw + ldet).


Think well the order and how many crates you will get

The crate in the most dangerous position shouldn't be the last crate you will teleport, otherwise you will stay in a dangerous position and sometimes you will not be able to attack a worm.

Dropping and teleporting

Dropping weapons like a Dynamite or a Ming Vase can cause a lot of damage to the worm you are controlling. So, teleporting right after the drop can be very useful.

Tips and tricks

Activating cursor weapons with space bar

Weapons that use the mouse cursor such as the teleport, homing and air strike-like weapons sometimes don't work exactly in the momment they are clicked (for example, when you click while the worm being controled is sliding). A good way to deal with this situation is just pressing space bar when the worm you are controlling stops sliding. This way you can save time and don't need to point with the cursor again.


The scheme was created by sbs and released on 27 December 2017 along with a roller coaster map on WMDB and also on a page of LeTotalKiller's Scheme Editor website. The author used to host and play a precursor scheme that had only 1 crate and multishot many years before the creation of Teleporting. On the first map release with the scheme description it is written that Teleporting is "very similar to the "Teleport Shopper"".

Similar schemes

There are many similar schemes around worms community, like Minhoco's Teleshop (present in the first edition of Worms Scheme Contest in 2010), Kradie's TeleShopper (2016) + its RubberWorm version (2016) by Xrayez, and Kradie's Teleport 2 Crate (2016).

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