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Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: A Runaway game
demonstration with Maxxis
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Game setup
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Specially-designed map (examples)
One per team

Runaway is a Roping scheme where 1 player (the Runner a.k.a. Runaway a.k.a. Fugitive) needs to runaway and the others (the Killers a.k.a. Assassins) need to kill the Runner, who has the objective of surviving until the Sudden Death (5 minutes of round time).

The arsenal of the Assassin and the Fugitive are different. So, the Assassin can use the Battle Axe and Baseball Bat, as well as the Ninja Rope for movement. The Runaway does not attack the Assassin, its goal is to flee, so it only uses the Ninja Rope to move. However, after being wounded by the Assassin, the Runaway can throw two Grenades and a Petrol Bomb at the enemy to knock it back and buy time. The Fugitive usually will not be able to kill the Assassin, because he/she has very limited ammo with very low damage, but the Assassin can die if the Fugitive manages to plop the Killer.

The Parachute is not provided, simply because there will be no time to use it, so players should avoid mistakes.

Maps for this scheme can be very diverse, from modified Rope Race or WxW maps to artistic ones, like buildings or labyrinths in which chases will take place.


  • Teleport your worm to the "start" platform. If the map has a start for the Killer and a start for the Fugitive, teleport accordingly.
  • The worm that starts first is the Runaway, the Killer goes last.
  • The Fugitive must hold out for 5 minutes until sudden death and can only use the rope. Only after being wounded by an assassin worm, the Runaway is allowed to throw Grenades and a Petrol Bomb.
  • In order to win, the Assassin must kill the Runaway within 5 minutes and can use Ninja Rope, Battle Axe, and Baseball Bat.
  • If the Fugitive holds out until sudden death, he/she wins.


Team Runaway

Description: Everything is the same as the main (1 worm per team) scheme, however you can diversify the game by changing the balance of forces. Since the Assassin's task is more difficult, there may be two Assassins for one Runaway. If an Assassin worm dies, the Fugitive wins. Players must decide the roles before playing the game.


Maxxis is the author of this scheme, released with the first map on WMDB on 11th October 2008.

The scheme was also uploaded on 28 November 2008 to WoRmS.oRg.Ua, a russian website.

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