Crate Race

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(Up to Scheme ideas)
Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: A Crate Race game with daiNa
and KiTar. Taken from Worm Olympics
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Game setup
Crate Race:
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Specially-designed map (examples)

Crate Race is a Baseball Bat RR variation (Rope Race or Wascar variant) in which the objective of the game is to complete 1 lap of advantage over your opponent (all worms moving in the same direction) and then kill his/her 1HP worm with Baseball Bat (Fall Damage causes zero damage) to win. Crates may help giving zero damage weapons to gain extra time (the retreat).

How to play (WO tournament description)

Players rope always in the same direction of the map, doing laps. You can attack another player only if you have gained at least one lap advantage over your opponent, and you can only attack using Baseball Bat. The other weapons don't do damage, but can be used to keep roping during the retreat time. Worms have 1 health point (but there is NO FALL DAMAGE, so keep roping).

This is a thrilling, fast-paced roping game. Crates drop almost every turn, and you can use their weapons to drop them and gain extra roping seconds at the end of your turn.

Weapons from crates can be:


  • First player chooses which direction to go. The rest stick to that direction.
  • You can only attack when you have at least one lap of advantage over your opponent.

  • In games having more than 2 players (may happen):
    • A player can go back and attack another player as long as he doesn't lose the one-lap advantage.


WO icon

According to this 2008 WO tournament, this 2011 WO tournament, and this 2009 WO tournament the scheme authorship is atributed to Dragon (from clan NBR). OutofOrder is the author of several maps (probably all) of this scheme. There is a BTP page with some files under the name "Crate Race", indicating that this scheme might be from 2006 or earlier. A map made in May 2007 by OutofOrder called "OutofOrder's Crate Race Huge #2" (featured in the 2009 WO, available in the backup replays) says this scheme was created sometime in 2004 by Dragon. On 2nd July 2022, when asked about this scheme in Discord, Dragon wrote that he doesn't remember the scheme, without much enthusiasm. So, probably he just had an idea by the time, did not take it so seriously, shared this idea with OoO, who liked it, materialized the idea, made the maps, and possibly - who knows? - the scheme file too.

Competitive events

Despite those 2008, 2009 and 2011 tournaments, Crate Race has been featured in the WO 2013.

Similar ideas

Before this scheme

A scheme called Baseball Bat RR (by Fredalot) has the same concept and is most likely older than Crate Race.

Similar names

After this scheme

There is a scheme of the same name created in 2015 by Kangaroo (Kangaroo's Crate Race) which is also played with rope on tight tunnels, but the objective is different, because you have to collect lots of crates on the map (RubberWorm allows that) to win (the one who collects the highest number of crates wins).

This article has a to-do list:
  • Search for other WO tournaments of this scheme (competitive events section)
  • Discover more details of the history of this scheme
  • Add an image
  • Add a gif
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