Worms Armageddon manual/Network Play
From Worms Knowledge Base
Network Play
[hide]One of the coolest things about Worms Armageddon is the network play, it's an ideal network game which is brilliant fun with up to six players. It can be played on a local network or via the Internet, by hooking up to a WORMNET server.
Note : The WORMNET environment is an ever expanding and evolving community, Team17 reserve the right to adjust, modify and change options and facilities as we see fit to further enhance your gaming experience.
Local network
To join other players on a local network, click the Network icon and then select LOCAL NETWORK. You will be taken to a room where you can see other players, any games available to join and also chat with the other players.
Connecting to existing games
To join a game, click on the existing game and you will hook up with the host of that game. Double click on the team you wish to add to the game from your team roster.
You can add more than one team from your list, if you wish to have more teams operating from your computer, although the host will have to grant permission for this, so ask!
Once you have added a team, a READY button will enable, this means you are happy with the settings/options and are ready to play. The READY button will automatically deselect if you choose to view the settings/options (indicating you are not satisfied with some of the options or want to review them).
When all players ready buttons are selected, the host can start the game with the GO button. At this point the game is "locked" and you will not be able to exit or review the settings, the game will launch in a few seconds.
Note : If a player spends too much time reviewing the settings or options, the host can remove them from the game by clicking on the players team.
When the host is satisfied, the game will commence. You can leave at any time by double clicking your team from the game roster.
Hosting a game
When you host, you have full control of the game configuration, including game style, weapons, everything. You can chat to the other teams and work out how you want to play, handicap players or form alliances.
You create the game exactly like you would in a normal game but have additional powers to expel players and set extra options governing how the game will be played over the network.
Being a game host has a number of extra responsibilities and being a warm and hospitable host is a key factor in successfully hosting games, particularly over the Internet.
When you are ready you can start the game by pressing PLAY!
During pre-game set-up, you can send messages to the rest of the players.
There are a number of commands you can use to liven up the chatter :
- Private Message
Simply highlight the player you wish to send a message to and send as usual. This could be a group of players, click the group icon to make all messages public again.
You will continue to receive public messages whilst chatting privately.
- Action
- To do an action, which also displays the text in a different colour, use /ME before the action.
- Silence
- Right click on the user name to turn off any messages from this player.