Special Weapons

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Special Weapons, also called Team Weapons in Worms Terminology, are the 8 weapons that can be chosen by editing a team. The chosen weapon will be a mystery to the other players if the scheme being played enabled this option. Also, these weapons will have specific settings regarding power (always at 3 stars), delay and ammo that cannot be altered if "Special Weapon mode" is on, meaning that they won't appear in crates. The only exception will be Super Sheep that will be turned into Aqua Sheep if that "cheat" scheme option is enabled, or via the Wormpot in Worms World Party.

Flame Thrower is the default special weapon, so if players have not yet edited their team, this weapon will be the selected one.

WA and WWP Special Weapons and their specific settings

All powers at 3 stars (except Mole Bomb which is 4), all have value 1 regarding Crate probability. The weapon order is correctly represented here from left to right, ranging from 0 (Flame Thrower) to 7 (Super/Aqua Sheep).

Criticisms, Problems and Weaknesses

Even though these settings were probably designed to make the game balanced, many players don't see them as well balanced, being some weapons considered Overpowered, being top tiers (usually Cows, Pigeons, HHG, Super/Aqua Sheep and Flame Thrower are the most picked) and the others are rarely picked, being considered weaker (usually Moles, Granny and Sheep Launcher). This may vary according to the map + scheme being played, though.

See also

External links

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