Team file

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Revision as of 15:23, 25 April 2017 by Pac-Man (Talk | contribs) (Custom Fanfare bit, TeamED always sets this wrong which is why you hear your countries pathetic fanfare after giving you a Concrete Donkey grave.)

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File Format

File Header

Offset Size Type Description
00 3 char[3] Signature. The magic number used to identify the WGT file. Hex: 0x574754, ASCII: "WGT"
03 2 byte[2] Unknown
05 1 ubyte Number of teams The number of teams in the file.
06 1 byte Utility upgrade cheats Bitmask: 1 = Laser Sight, 2 = Fast Walk, 4 = Invisibility, 8 = Low Gravity, 16 = Jetpack
07 1 byte Weapon upgrade cheats Bitmask: 1 = Grenade, 2 = Shotgun, 4 = Banana Bomb, 8 = Longbow, 16 = Aqua Sheep
08 1 byte Game cheats Bitmask: 1 = God Worms, 2 = Blood, 4 = Sheep Heaven
09 1 byte Indestructable terrain 0 = no, 3 = yes
0A 1 byte Unknown

Team Format - Looped For Number of Teams

Size Type Description
17 char[17] Team Name The team's display name.
136 char[8][17] Worm Names An array of 8 worm names, 17 bytes per name.
1 byte Control Determines who gets to contol the team. Values: 0x00 = player, 0x01 to 0x05 = CPU level 1 to 5.
32 char[32] Soundbank Name The name of the soundbank used by the team.
1 byte Soundbank Location? Values: 0x00 = ?, 0x01 = ?
32 char[32] Fanfare Name The name of the fanfare used by the team.
1 byte Use Custom Fanfare Values: 0x00 = use player's country fanfare, 0x01 = use selected one as stored in Fanfare Name.
1 ubyte Team Grave Determines the appearance of the team's gravestone. Values: 0x00 to 0xFE = sprite index from gfx.dir, 0xFF = custom 24x32 bitmap.
If Team Grave ≥ 0x80:
32 char[32] Grave Filename The filename for the custom grave.
1024 ubyte[256][4] Grave Bitmap Palette The 256-color palette for the custom grave. (4 bytes per color: Blue, Green, Red, 0x00.)
768 ubyte[32][24] Grave Bitmap Data The 24x32 bitmap data for the custom grave. (32 rows, top to bottom: each 24 pixels, left to right)
1 byte Team Weapon
4 ulong Team Loss Count
4 ulong Team Deathmatch Loss Count
4 ulong Team Win Count
4 ulong Team Deathmatch Win Count
4 ulong Team Draw Count
4 ulong Team Deathmatch Draw Count
4 ulong Team Kills
4 ulong Team Deathmatch Kills
4 ulong Team Deaths
4 ulong Team Deathmatch Deaths
264 ulong[33][2] Team Mission Status 33 missions: [0] = attempts (ulong), [1] = medal (ulong)
32 char[32] Flag Filename The filename for the team flag.
1024 ubyte[256][4] Flag Bitmap Palette The 256-color palette for the team flag. (4 bytes per color: Blue, Green, Red, 0x00.)
340 ubyte[17][20] Flag Bitmap Data The 20x17 bitmap data for the team flag. (17 rows, top to bottom: each 20 pixels, left to right)
1 byte Team Deathmatch Rank
24 ulong[6] Team Training Mission Times (in seconds)
40 byte[40] Unknown
6 byte[6] Team Training Mission Medals
10 byte[10] Unknown
28 byte[7][4] Unknown
1 byte Unknown

Animated graves

W:A and WWP allows the user to select one of six animated graves from the user interface. However, it's possible to set the grave animation to certain other sprites with external software (for example, using a team editor such as TeamED).

This is possible by setting the Team Grave value in the team file to a value higher than 5. The game calculates the sprite index for the team grave by reading the value from the team file, and adding it to the index of the first grave. Using a value higher than 5 causes the game to use sprites which follow the graves in the game's internal sprite list:

... some other sprites ...
0 grave1.spr
1 grave2.spr
2 grave3.spr
3 grave4.spr
4 grave5.spr
5 grave6.spr
6 flame1.spr
7 flame2.spr
8 petrol-1.spr
... more sprites ...

Note that this only allows selecting a grave from a predefined set. It is impossible to have a custom animated grave.

Be warned that using an animated grave (especially a large sprite) is found annoying by many, and is usually frowned upon.