Blitz Fort

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Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: An example of a Blitz Fort match
with DumbBongChow and UISxWaterMelon
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Blitz Fort:
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Fort maps

Blitz Fort is a fort scheme based off from sheep fort as you use flying sheep to help you to get crates. (Note that these sheeps are powerless) It has these RubberWorm features: sdet, ldet, antisink, craterate(6), and cratelimit(8). It's an unusual fort scheme because most of weapons are nerfed. Due to nerfed weapons, small fort maps are actually very playable even with multiweapon fire, high turn time, and high crate rate. Like other fort schemes, you can't ever invade other ppl's fort. Antisink is on to allow more various worm positionings in fort, it makes worms much harder to plop. You can kill worm by making worm plop twice without any pause in motion. Because of the antisink, ammo of low gravity is infinite to further enhance the flexibility of aiming weapons without easy worm plopabiliy. You don't necessarily always have to focus too much on getting crates because crate before attack doesn't apply in this scheme. Number of utilities are in this scheme to help worm avoid weapon fire and move more efficiently. Ammo of fast walk is also infinite to reduce wasting turn time through moving worms.

Author: DumbBongChow