Dragon Ball

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Dragonballicon.png Dragon Ball
Type: Close Combat
Keyboard selection: F4 (x2)
Standard effects: 30hp damage
Present in: Worms 2, W:A, WWP
Power settings
Power Maximum
11 15 hp
12 21
1 24
2 27
3 30
4 33
5 36
19 39
14 45
15 60

The Dragon Ball is one of the standard close combat weapons available, and is usually found in infinite supply along with the Prod and Fire Punch. Upon use, the worm will summon a ball of energy that is thrown for a short distance horizontally. Upon contact with a worm or mine, it will be sent flying in the same direction as the ball is travelling.


  • The Dragon Ball may knock a worm further than the Fire Punch, but gives the target less height.
  • The Dragon Ball is often used in Team17 games to detonate Oil Drums when no other weapon is available. This is so that they do not pose a threat later on.
Backflip and hit the worm in the air!
  • If used when standing on the ground, the user cannot be pushed during the animation. This means that an opponent worm standing by a wall can be hit with the weapon and will bounce back through your worm.
  • The Dragon Ball can be used in mid-air because very often your target is not at exactly the same height as you. When used in mid-air, the animation is not played and your worm will continue as normal.
  • If used far enough away, the Dragon Ball can move mines without setting them off.

Criticisms, Problems and Weaknesses

  • If you are within close range of an enemy worm, it is usually more effective to use a Shotgun, and so cause 50 points of damage rather than 30.
  • If the enemy worm is standing directly at the edge of a small hole, then the Dragon Ball may send the enemy over it if the landscape is flat.
  • A worm will be pushed further with the Uzi if you are standing directly next to him. However, the Dragon Ball is more effective at a slightly larger distance away from the target.


External links


  1. Jump up Worms on TVTropes
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