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(Up to Game logic)
Various worms on a terrain, with some worms taking damage from an attack. Worms with less than 30 health breathe desperately. Some worms are idling.

A worm is the primary controllable game object in every Worms game. It exists as a part of a team and is controlled by that team's controller. Each worm inherits all the usual game object attributes, plus has several of its own variable attributes: team, name, state (such as standing, walking, falling, rolling, or drowning), selected weapon, aiming angle, health, whether it has God mode, and whether it is anchored. The visible sprite is determined by its state.

Each worm has an irregularly-shaped collision mask (also known as a "hit box", but we say "collision mask" due to its irregular shape) which is 9 pixels wide at its widest and 16 pixels tall at its tallest. This collision mask always has the same size and shape, regardless of the worm's state.

Teams and Weapons

In a match, there will be at least one team with between 1-8 worms per team. Each team has a specific team color (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Cyan), which determines which worms are your allies or enemies. Up to 6 active teams can be played at once, and up to 30(?) active worms in a match.

At the start of a match, a random team will begin their first turn, starting with their first worm. There are three priorities that determine which worm goes next: the team color, the order of teams for each team color, and the next worm in a team.

Depending on the scheme settings, the worms will have a specified inventory of weapons and will be subject to a certain environmental settings.

Team Customization



See also: Worm Walking

If the worm is not anchored, a worm can walk and jump. To walk, use the Left and Right keys. Pressing "Enter" once allows the worm to front-jump. The back-jump is available in all second-generation games, which is activated with "Enter + Enter". In all second-generation games, except Worms 2 (unless "backflip" cheat is enabled), pressing "Backspace + Backspace" allows the worm to perform a tall backflip, or a short backflip with "Backspace + Backspace + Enter". See In-game controls for more details.


Each worm has a specific amount of health, which is visible by a number above the worm. Worms lose health if they get damaged, including weapons, Fall Damage, and Poison. If a worm has no more health, it will speak a Byebye.wav or Ohdear.wav voiceline before detonating itself to summon a Gravestone.

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