Weapon settings summary

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Revision as of 11:04, 17 September 2012 by LeTotalKiller (Talk | contribs) (Super Weapons)

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This article's goal is to sum up the weapons settings.


  • Each weapon's settings are 4 bytes long. A byte can theorically store a value between '0' and '255'. Each byte correspond to a different setting:
    • Ammo
    • Power
    • Delay
    • Crate Probability
  • You can consider there are 2 main categories of weapon: regular ones and super ones.

Super Weapons

  • You can't edit super weapons' power or crate probability settings. Those unused bytes allowed some WormKit modules to store their settings directly in the scheme file: RubberWorm is a good example of that phenomenon.
  • In WWP schemes and in W:A v1 schemes (for version 3.0), you can't edit super weapons' settings at all.

Here are the super weapons (they appear in that order in scheme files) :

Position Weapon Name
1 Freeze
2 Super Banana Bomb
3 Mine Strike
4 Girder Starter Pack
5 Earthquake
6 Scales Of Justice
7 Ming Vase
8 Mike's Carpet Bomb
9 Patsy's Magic Bullet
10 Indian Nuclear Test
11 Select Worm
12 Salvation Army
13 Mole Squadron
14 MB Bomb
15 Concrete Donkey
16 Suicide Bomber
17 Sheep Strike
18 Mail Strike
19 Armageddon

Ammo Setting

Power Setting

Delay Setting

Crate Probability Setting

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