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(Up to Scheme ideas or Jumper)
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Game setup
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Complex cave or island map

Jumper is a unique scheme based off from DreamTrance's old teleport scheme from Worms World Party. Name of the scheme is based off from a 2008 science fiction movie called "Jumper". It has these RubberWorm features: sdet, fdpt, crateshower, and cratelimit(5). The game doesn't start out with any weapon for players to attack opponents with, so players need to get good number of crates before they can attack effectively. There are infinite teleport to allow players to easily get crate due to sdet and map complexity. It isn't necessarily for players to always focus on getting crates because crate before attack doesn't apply in this scheme. Few delayed utilities and three girders are there to make this game more dynamic. Ammo of fast walk is infinite to save turn time. Three wins are required to win this game, and players just start out with weapons they have at the end of previous round if game round isn't first. Lastly, donor card setting is on in this scheme.


Dreamtrance incoporated rubberworm elements from his old teleport scheme he made from Worms World Party to create this scheme. After DumbBongChow played this game number of times, DumbBongChow asked if he can adjust good number of major settings for this scheme to make it better. Dreamtrance allow him to change it. After the scheme adjustment, more of this scheme's testings and fixes have been done from Vince, Foxhound, DumbBongChow, and DreamTrance to make this scheme further playable.

Author: DreamTrance