
From Worms Knowledge Base

Revision as of 08:19, 11 July 2024 by Qwertyxp2000 (Talk | contribs) (need the Retro scheme)

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(Up to Schemes)
Game setup
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Retro is an intrinsic scheme that mimics the gameplay used in the game Worms.

Worms begin with 100 HP, have 60 seconds per turn, and 15 minutes before Sudden Death. Only weapon crates may spawn, with 1 point to weapon crates. There are only mines with instant fuse time and no duds. No retreat time is available after dropping a weapon or roping. If Sudden Death occurs, all worms drop to 1 health with no rising water.

For available weapons in every player's inventory compared to Intermediate, there are no utility weapons, and a lot of missing weapons and pseudo-utility weapons (notably the Parachute). More importantly, there are no Special Weapons or Super Weapons. All weapons (except Super Weapons, which are disabled) have 3 stars. There is a two-turn delay for Air Strikes and no other weapon has time delays.


  • TBA

Criticisms, problems and weaknesses

  • TBA


The scheme has been around as long as the game itself (Worms Armageddon was released in 1999), having been provided as part of the default schemes in the base game.

This article has a to-do list:
  • Add replay
  • Add more detailed tactics
  • Discover an ideal/suggested number of worms and map for better gameplay or possible competitive play
  • Add image
  • Add gif
  • Categorize some of the schemes available at "Similar ideas" section as "Variants" or "Variations" in proper sections
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