Wormtopia Archive
From Worms Knowledge Base
This link contains almost all files from 2001-2006 Wormtopia, including .avi movies, fanfares, goodies, .lev, .bit, .wep, .opt files, programs, flags, graves and a little more! Some files require windevdm [1] (16-bit emulator) or other way to open 16-bit applications and Oracle VM VirtualBox [2] (better Windows XP) or other way to open 32-bit applications. Mostly these files was created for worms 2, but you can use them for worms armageddon and worms world party! Thank you, Kil_Jaeden!
Link: https://www.quaddicted.com/files/mirrors/ftp.planetquake.com/strategyplanet/worms/