Worms Armageddon Team Backup, Restore and Merge Utilities" is the name of a bundle of 3 command-line tools for working with
Worms Armageddon team files written by
Jon Skeet.
While TeamED has many powerful features that these tools don't have, these are the only tools that are known to be able to merge teams from multiple team files while maintaining all those teams' statistical data as it was before the merge.
Extract the executables warest.exe, wabackup.exe, and wajoin.exe to your WA\User\Teams directory.
The following usage info is copied from the included ReadMe.txt file, then formatted for this article, with the author's personal email address omitted. Click "show" to view the usage information for each utility.
[show]wabackup.exe (team file backup utility) |
Whenever you want to back the current team up, just run wabackup.exe. This will create a file called wg.xxx where xxx is a number between 001 and 999 . (It starts at 001 and increases. The largest number is your most recent backup.) |
[show]warest.exe (team backup file restoration utility) |
As of version 2, restoring teams is much easier. You can simply drag a backup file onto warest.exe and the team will be restored.
Alternatively, you can open a DOS box and run warest <number> . For instance:
warest 3
will restore the team file from wg.003
A backup copy of the current wg.wgt file is made to wg.bak before restoration; this is in case the registry access goes wrong. If it does (it will tell you), please mail me ([address omitted]) with the *exact* error message, and *don't* play Worms: Armageddon until I've got back to you, unless you don't mind losing your current position. Hopefully this will never happen, but you never know... |
[show]wajoin.exe (team file join/merge utility) |
As of version 2, joining teams is also easier. Simply select all the backup files you want joining together, and drag them onto wajoin.exe.
Alternatively, you can open a DOS box and change to the teams directory, then run wajoin <backup numbers or filenames> . For instance:
wajoin 3 mybest.bak 5 2 4
will merge the teams from files wg.003 , mybest.bak , wg.005 , wg.002 , wg.004 , placing them in another wg.??? file. (The filename is displayed after the merge.)
There can only be one team with any given name in a team file, and wajoin gives the earlier specified one priority. For instance, suppose wg.003 contained teams Jon and Fred, wg.005 contained teams Bert and Jon, wg.002 contained teams Russell and Bert, and wg.004 contained teams Ginger and Algy, then the resultant file would contain teams:
Jon from wg.003 (ignoring Jon from wg.005 ) Fred from wg.003 Bert from wg.005 (ignoring Bert from wg.002 ) Russell from wg.002 Ginger from wg.004 Algy from wg.004