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  • ...of the whoosits in the top-right corner are to do with the editor, not the weapon. usual. In this way users can get an at-a-glance representation of how a weapon is abnormal in certain ways.
    2 KB (395 words) - 02:21, 14 July 2009
  • ...your system registry) because the same timer issue that caused the dancing weapon panel bug can also cause screen lag (irregular, jumpy passage of time withi ...while a Worm was being manually placed or aiming a Teleport/Girder/homing weapon. Any mouse motion occurring while the chat box was open would be stored up,
    71 KB (11,723 words) - 21:03, 25 August 2020
  • ...n flying a Super Sheep as high as it would go, or selecting a cursor-aimed weapon while flying at maximum height with the Jet Pack.<br /> ...GAME_WATER_DEATH_COMMENTS, or when a team receives reinforcements when a weapon's delay expires – GAME_REINFORCEMENTS_COMMENTS) could potentially begin w
    188 KB (31,608 words) - 11:52, 24 October 2023
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