Sold-Out Software release (Worms Armageddon)

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Sold-Out Software release
Sold-Out Software release
Release type: Retail
Publisher(s): Sold-Out Software
Barcode numbers: 5 037999 005759 >
Format: CD
Countries: UK
Release date(s): Unknown; Discontinued: 2007 (exact date unknown)
Website: No longer avaliable (WA and W2 merged into the Worms Double pack and are no longer avaliable seperately from sold out software)

Identifying information

This version of the game can be identified by the contents of a certain file on the game CD.

Contents of /Data/Resource/version.txt:


Technical information


This one is a bit different, as the autorun is set to "", which is standard for all post-2000 Sold-Out Software releases. It is a kind of "launcher", where you can install the program (launches /Install/Install.exe), view the manual (launch manual.pdf), and do a few other things. This is what happens in the installer.

InstallShield installer located at /Install/Install.exe. The files seem to be extracted from /Install/ InstallShield cabs can be extracted manually with unshield or i5comp.

The installer appears to do the following:

  1. Extract group "Program Executable Files" from to <APPDIR>
  2. Extract group "Europe Soundbank Editor" from to <APPDIR>/User
  3. Copies /Install/Install/WA.exe from cd to <APPDIR>
  4. Copies /Data/Resources/LANGUAGE/readme.rtf to <APPDIR>
  5. Copies /Data/Resources/LANGUAGE/NAMES.WDB to <APPDIR>/User
  6. Copies the directory /Data/User/Speech/English/ to create <APPDIR>/User/Speech. does this change if the language changes?
  7. Creates empty directories Fanfare, SavedLevels, Schemes, and Support in <APPDIR>/User.
  8. Writes the following to the registry:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Worms2.Exe]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Team17 Software Ltd.]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Team17 Software Ltd.\Worms Armageddon]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Team17 Software Ltd.\Worms Armageddon\1.00.000]



  1. Sets up an uninstaller at <APPDIR>/Uninst.isu and makes an entry for Add/Remove programs
  2. Asks user if they wish to installs DirectX 6.
  3. Adds links to its group in the start menu:
    • Read Me
    • Sound Bank Editor
    • Uninstall Worms Armageddon
    • Worms Armageddon
  4. Adds a desktop shortcut to Worms Armageddon
  5. Advises user to install the Beta 2 update if Windows XP is detected. Clicking "No" brings up a rather persistent message strongly suggesting they install the update.
    • If the update is not installed, Setup.Now will remind the user to install the update every time the program is run (i.e. when the CD is inserted and the Autorun kicks in).

The uninstaller appears to remove everything (including the folders) unless custom files are present, in which case it leaves the directories containing the custom file and the file itself intact.

Box arts

Back cover
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Worms World Party UK • US • Polish • Korean • Focus Multimedia • Sold-Out • Trygames • Remastered ( • Steam)
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