User:Mr. Fataled/Drill Rocket

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Mole Bomb is good for digging throught the landscape. But imagine a mole, that you can launch. Basicaly, it's a Drill Rocket. It looks like a black cylinder with a Drill on it's edge. It's launcher is dark grey.

You launch it just like a normal Bazooka, but when it touches the ground first time, it'll dig throught it. When it touches the ground second time, it, just like a mole, will explode.

It can be useful for reaching your opponents through a thick layer of wall, or if they decide to defend themeselves with a Girder. Or for digging tunnels in the ground. But it has issue: as said previously, it can touch ground only once. So your enemies can defend from you, using a two girder or placing additional girder after a wall.

Programming would be easy, because it's basicaly a hybrid of bazooka and mole bomb.

See also

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