4/Scheme options
From Worms Knowledge Base
(Up to 4)
- Rope knocking
- All individual teststuff options
- Optional fixes for certain bugs
- RubberWorm features
- Fiddler features (including weapon customization)
- Allow enforcing common scheme rules (ABL etc.)
- From [1]:
- More Sudden Death actions (Earthquake, Armageddon, Double Damage)
- Optional retreat time for the Teleport
- Ability to alter rope physics?
- Ability to alter parachute sensitivity?
- Weapon expiration (opposite of weapon delay)
- Availability of fuse-setting option for placable landmines
- The ability to give worms on the same team individual weapon inventories and health values?
- Custom sprites (for new weapons) and other resources in schemes?
- WormPot modes
- 500 FPS?
- UserVoice ideas
- Other currently-internal W:A engine options