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Revision as of 15:47, 8 March 2009 by Balee (Talk | contribs)

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Wind consecutivity

Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: Same winds in two consecutive turns
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As I was experimenting with the weapons' effect radius (which experiment, by the way, seems to be a failure), I was skipping every one of my turns that wasn't a zero-wind turn. While doing so, I had the same (smallest lefward) wind in two consecutive turns. I don't know if this could happen bacause of me using the latest RubberWorm extension, or not, but it still looks strange, and I think could modify what we thought about the wind up til now. Take a look at the replay's infos, for playback details. Balee 15:47, 8 March 2009 (UTC)