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(Up to People)

Enty started his Worms career sometime in 2000-2001-ish with Worms 1 and Worms+, offline. Later he got W:A, but with only a 28k internet connection, he decided not to play online until he gets a broadband connection (also, he had Windows XP and was too lazy to download the 3.0 patch over a modem connection). This all changed in the March of 2003, when he finally got ADSL, downloaded the 3.5b2 patch an entered WN1. After two months of struggle learning the W:A rope, he finally got a hang of it, and sometime in mid-2003, he created his first clan with two other fellow Wormers whose name he doesn't remember: SNU, aka Sleeping Noobs United. At those days, Enty was known as Enterprise, which nick he chose for obvious reasons (Star Trek fandom). The clan specialized mostly in shoppers, and in its best times, had around 15 people in it. It went on for around a year and a half when it was disbanded because of the lack of interest. Enty took a slight break of W:A sometime in August 2005-ish, when he tried WWP (shame on him!) but after less than a month he came back to W:A. FFie shortened the nick "Enterprise" to "Enty" in those days and sometime early 2006, he finally changed his nickname to what he is now. The quasi-clan BeW was formed sometime in 2006 with FFie, DarkOne and Amitrix, in the year the Worm Olympics was held the third time for two full months in the summer. Fast-forward to mid-2007-ish, Enty discovered the hit scheme of the year called hysteria after a few months of almost complete inactivity, and while he shamefully quit his first game, he quickly became one of the biggest fan of this particular scheme, going as far as becoming a hysteria verb. He also became a regular in #worms. Below you can find a rather amusing picture about him.
