IMG Viewer

From Worms Knowledge Base

Revision as of 01:33, 11 July 2020 by Pac-Man (Talk | contribs) (Add to OSS category)

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(Up to Software)
icon IMG Viewer
IMG Viewer screenshot
Developer: Pac-Man
Latest version: 1.2.0 / 23 September, 2013
Supported games: W2 (implemented, but untested), W:A, WWP
Language: C# (.NET 4.0)
License: Ms-PL
Download: Source code

IMG Viewer is a small tool which is capable of displaying the IMG files of W:A, WWP and W2 (W2 has not been tested, but the code for handling W2 images has been written). It was programmed by using only the file format information given on this wiki, especially the decompressing algorithm written by Pisto. The related articles are linked at the bottom.

Main Features

  • Displaying IMG files and their settings including the palette
  • Converting IMG files to more common file formats like BMP, PNG and JPEG

A shell integration for picture previews in the Windows Explorer was available in but has been cut from because it didn't work correctly on most computers.

Project State

The Worms.NET CodePlex project from which this tool originates has been deleted, the tools themselves were migrated to the new Syroot.Worms .NET library on GitLab. However, the tools are not under development anymore and might be recreated in the future, on top of the new library.

See also