Installing WA on macOS

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Editorial note: This page is extremely incomplete. Most of the text here is shamelessly copied without review from Installing WA on Linux. If you have successfully installed WA on Mac OS X (with wine or otherwise), please edit this page. You may revamp it however you see fit.

This page details how to install Worms Armageddon on Mac OS X via wine. Please note that, unlike in previous versions of Worms Armageddon, and above require no special patches to wine in order to run satisfactorily. However, there is still a number of things you may need to do, depending on your configuration - and there are still some known bugs. This page should provide a good guide to get you started. Do not be put off by its length - much of it probably won't apply to you.

Getting started

Version requirement

First of all, you need to have a recent version of wine, as there have been some relatively major wine-side fixes recently. If your wine version starts with 1.3 and is 1.3.3 or later, or it starts with 1.2 and is 1.2.1 or later, you already have a recent enough version of wine to run Worms Armageddon to a satisfactory standard. Please skip ahead to "Using a CD" or "Using a disc image" for how to continue from here.

If you are not sure about which version you have, MonkeyKing, tell them how to find their wine version in OS X here

This should report your wine version. If you get an error message of some description, you probably lack wine entirely - in which case, carry on with these instructions. If your wine version starts with 1.3 and is 1.3.2 or earlier, or it starts with 1.2 and is 1.2.0 or earlier, also carry on with these instructions.

Installing Wine

MacPorts Method

You will need:

  • Xcode - these are the development tools for OS X. Xcode is available for free from the Mac App Store.
  • MacPorts - this will download and compile all the packages for us.
  • XQuartz - an open source X Window System for OS X. Your Mac might have Apple's native installed, which can be used but is not recommended.

To install Wine: We will start by updating MacPorts. Type the following command into a terminal window: sudo port -v selfupdate

This will update the list of ports that are available. Do a search for wine to see which packages are available: sudo port search wine

Out of the available packages, you should see two versions of Wine: wine @1.4.1 (x11) - This is the latest official release wine-devel @1.5.14 (x11) - The development version

Start the installation of the Wine version of your choice by running the following command: sudo port install wine-revel

MacPorts will then start downloading, unpacking and compiling all of the dependencies that Wine requires. Be warned, though, as this process may take several hours before completing.