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(Up to WormKit)
Developer: Pisto
Latest version: 0.7.32 / 3 August 2008
Supported games: W:A
Language: C
License: Partially open-source
Website: Pisto's web page
Download: RubberWorm v0.7.32 installer
Source code

RubberWorm (or wkRubberWorm) is a module for WormKit that can modify parts of the Worms Armageddon physics to create WormPot-like effects, and adapts some features of wkMagic to the and versions. It was originally released by Pisto on 6 April 2008, and then ported by Kawoosh to the latest beta update with several new features.

RubberWorm's effects are applied to the game when certain scheme settings are set to certain values. These settings are normally unused, such as crate probabilities for superweapons. As such, only an external scheme editor can create schemes that will enable RubberWorm effects, though RubberWorm does also provide a chat command interface allowing a host to enable RubberWorm effects in the lobby of a WormNET game. The scheme can then be extracted from the replay afterwards.

For a complete and trusted online play, all players must run WA through WormKit or with WormKitDS, and should have the same version of the RubberWorm dll file.

Scheme configuration

All features above are configured by the Crate Probability setting of particular weapons.

Feature Weapon name Value
Bouncing worms Armageddon 0-255 (0: no bounce, 255: 100% elastic bounce)
Gravity modification Mail Strike
  • 8th bit (high bit) should be clear.
  • The other 7 bits control the strength of gravity, from -64 to +63 in two's complement format.
  • a value of 0 results in default gravity (same as +12).
Value -64 ... -13 ... -2 -1 0 +1 ... +12 ... +63
Gravity percentage -525% ... -100% ... -8.3% 0% 100% 8.3% ... 100% ... 525%
Black Hole (central Gravity) Mail Strike
  • 8th bit (high bit) should be set.
  • 7th bit enables proportional mode.
  • The other 6 bits control the strength of the black hole's gravity, from -32 to +31 in two's complement format (the sixth bit is the sign bit).
Air viscosity Concrete Donkey
  • A higher value produces a stronger effect; a value of 63 makes the air pasty as water.
  • If the value is odd, the effect will apply to worms as well as objects.
Wind influence Suicide Bomber
  • A higher value produces a stronger effect, with the highest value (255) corresponding to the wind susceptibility of the Bazooka.
  • If the value is odd, the effect will apply to worms as well as objects.
Anti worm sink French Sheep Strike Set to a non-zero value to activate.
Terrain friction Salvation Army
Shot doesn't end turn Mole Squadron Controlled by the 1st bit (add 1 to enable).
Loss of control doesn't end turn Mole Squadron Controlled by the 2nd bit (add 2 to enable).
Fire doesn't pause timer Mole Squadron Controlled by the 3rd bit (add 4 to enable).
Improved rope Mole Squadron Controlled by the 4th bit (add 8 to enable).
Continuous crate shower Mole Squadron Controlled by the 5th bit (add 16 to enable).

Chat command interface

These commands can be used in the host/join lobby. Omitting the parameter either activates the feature with a default value, or sets it off.

Command Effect
/help Displays list of commands in the chat window.
/show Displays a list of all enabled features to all players.
/showme Displays a dialogue box with all enabled features to the host only.
/clear Disables all features.
/sdet or /multishot Enables the shot doesn't end turn feature.
/ldet or /stoicworm Enables the loss of control doesn't end turn feature.
/fdpt or /nopause Enables the timer doesn't pause while firing feature.
/ir or /rope+ Enables the improved rope feature.
/rubber### [0-255] Enables the bouncing worms feature.
0 no bounce
255 fully elastic bounce
/version### [1-255] Enables the arbitrary version override feature.
/version or /fr or /ts3 Enables the teststuff3 feature.
/antisink Enables the antisink feature.
/visc### [0-255] Enables the air viscosity feature.

odd number ..... affects worms too

/wind### [0-255] Enables the wind response feature.
1 to 255 low sensitivity to wind
255 same sensitivity to wind as Bazooka
odd number affects worms too
/jetpack### [1-255] Sets value of jetpack fuel.

255 ............ infinite fuel

/friction### [0-100] Sets terrain friction.

0 .............. infinite friction
1 to 95 ........ high friction
96 ............. default friction
97 to 99 ....... low friction
100 ............ no friction
more than 100 .. anti-friction

/glue Alias for friction0
/ice Alias for friction99
/gravity### [-64 to 63] Sets gravity strength.
Value -64 ... -13 ... -2 -1 0 +1 ... +12 ... +63
Gravity percentage -525% ... -100% ... -8.3% 0% 100% 8.3% ... 100% ... 525%
/pbh### [-32 to 31] Proportional black hole (variable is gravitational strength)
/cbh### [-32 to 31] Constant black hole (variable is gravitational strength)
/defg Disables all gravity modification features.
/cratelimit### [1-255] Sets maximum number of co-existing crates.
/craterate### [1-255] Sets number of crates spawned per turn and enables the crate counter.
/cratecount Alias for /craterate1 (just enables the crate counter).
/crateshower Enables the continuous crate shower feature.

RubberWorm3x Kawoosh's version

RubberWorm (Kawoosh's version)
Latest version: 0.7.32 / 5 January 2011
Supported games: W:A
Language: C
License: Partially open-source
Download: (official):

There is a RubberWorm version, modified by Kawoosh to work on It has all basic features of old RubberWorm, KaosMod and LaserFix and will not make desyncs when playing with an old WA+RubberWorm user*. Read more here.

*If none of the new features, listed below, is enabled. Some of them were also part of old LaserFix module, and are though compatible.

New features

/wdca - weapons don't change automatically.

/ope - enables a special game mode in which all objects can be pushed by explosions. Like ldet and sdet, it is stored in the same byte as 6th bit.

/flames - allows you to enlarge the number of max possible flames at the map, up to 25500. Activated by the Scales of Justice crate probability parameter.

/kaosmod - this mod is only needed for kaos players, as it changes the utilities crate probabilities percentages, needed for a kaos scheme and league.

/kaosmod2 - a new version, needed for the season 2 of kaos league. An explaination table is here.

General Info

Installation and use

As any WormKit module, it has to be placed with the WormKit files in the W:A main folder, and the game must be run through WormKit.exe instead of WA.exe (the same applies for watching replays of games played with RubberWorm). Changes are applied only when using special schemes with some altered bytes.

Antivirus issue

Some antivirus programs may treat RubberWorm (as well as Wormkit) as a virus. It is a false alarm: it happens because RubberWorm uses some technique and Dlls abused by malware too.

Source code

wkRubberWorm is written in C, and a part of the source code, lacking of addresses and structs (as wkMagic), is public for demonstrative purpose.

Future plans

Pisto gave up coding RubberWorm, though version 1.0 has been developed inconstantly for over a year. He lost interest in Worms, but also in programming in general. The source code of RubberWorm 0.7 (a version compatible with the old update, much similar to the current version) and of the never going to be 1.0 has been given to Deadcode: his aim is to add the emulation of RubberWorm in the official updates. This is going to happen in the next update after

Pre-release with aliased-bounces

On 26th August 2009 a test build of RubberWorm 1.0 has been released. The reason for sharing it is to show some of the new features, mainly aliased-bounce. It allows to emulate the real behaviour of an object colliding with an object with a slope, a great lack of the Worms Armageddon default engine.

See also