Trygames download release (Worms Armageddon)
From Worms Knowledge Base
The Trygames release is a downloadable release which is now obsolete. Although the direct link to the installer (trial version) is still available, it is no longer supported and will not work with the 3.6+ beta updates and WormNET.
People with such version are advised to request a refund through this page.
This release seems to be the same as the Hasbro release. [citation needed]
[hide]Technical information
The information below is based on the trial version of the Trygames release.
The Installer is a Wise installer.
- Most of the audio files in the archive are in .OGG format in order to reduce the installer size. The file /User/Import/logo2.bmp.jp2 is for the same reason. These files are decoded using a special program called "decoder.exe" during installation.
- The installer logs installation process in a temp file, and later moves to INSTALL.LOG after installation.
The installer appears to do the following:
- Extracts the uninstaller "UNWISE32.EXE" from the archive to <APPDIR>\UNWISE.exe[1] ; also makes an entry for Add/Remove programs.
- Extracts all the files from the archive to <APPDIR>.
- Launches "
decoder.exe -f lfiles.lsy -p
" to decode the .OGG sounds and the .JP2 image. - Deletes the following files (in order)[2]:
- lfiles.lsy
- Xjp2.dll
- libgfl170.dll
- decoder.exe
- Adds links to its group in the start menu[3] (in order):
- Sound Bank Editor
- Worms Armageddon
- Buy Worms Armageddon (launches "<APPDIR>\WA.exe --AmClientTriggerPurchase")
- Worms Armageddon Manual
- Read Me
- Uninstall
- Download XP-2000 Patch (links to an Internet shortcut which links to
- Writes the following to the registry (in order):
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\WormsArmageddon] "PATH"="<APPDIR>" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\WormsArmageddon\Data] "SubLogicSeed"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Team17 Software Ltd.\Worms Armageddon\1.00.000] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\WormsArmageddon\Data] "LogicSeed"=dword:197d007d [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Team17SoftwareLTD\WormsArmageddon\Options] "Volume"=dword:00000001 "Filter"=dword:00000001 "CD Tracks"=dword:0000007f "Detail"=dword:00000005 "Animations"=dword:00000001 "DisplaySize"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WA.exe] "Path"="<APPDIR>"
- Prompts and adds a desktop shortcut to Worms Armageddon.
- Advises user to install the Beta 2 update if Windows XP/2000 is detected.[4] Clicking "Yes" launches the browser to download the update from Trymedia.
- Activates the Trymedia DRM by writing the following to the registry (in order)[2]:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Trymedia Systems\ActiveMARK Software\90E9B1D2C4C85AE675F1822345339973] "tracking"=hex:00,4e,5f,72,48,c6,54,c5,c6,45,d9,2d,9a,32,1a,ba "affiliate"=hex:74,72,79,67,61,6d,65,73,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 ;(ASCII: trygames........) "currency"=hex:55,53,44,00,00,00 ;(ASCII: USD...) "price"=hex:00,00,00,19,99 "timestamp"=hex:12,73,85,19,41
- Deletes "<APPDIR>\bbytdll.dll"[2]
- Moves the temporary log file to <APPDIR>\INSTALL.LOG .
v3.5 Beta 2 update
This update installer was made specially for the Trygames release. It can be downloaded here:
It appears to do the following:
- Extract all the files from the archive to <APPDIR>.
- Writes the following to the registry (in order):
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WA.exe] "Path"="<APPDIR>" @="%ProgramFiles%\games\worms armaggedon\WA.exe" ;This is a bug, see below. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Team17 Software Ltd.\WA Update v3.50 beta2\2.0]
The installer sometimes prompts the user to restart the computer. The reason for this is unknown.
Bugs and redundant files
- The installer inserts an incorrect path to the registry value that will make the short command "WA.exe" not work. (Even the word "Worms Armageddon" has been misspelled as "worms armaggedon".)
- The installer contains several useless files that will be copied during installation:
- "Thumbs.db" files (11 in total)
- "/DATA/DATA/Custom/Custom.txt" and "/DATA/DATA/Level/Level.txt" (Not only do they have wrong path, but they are also empty files.)
- Jump up ↑ By default, the installer chooses "%ProgramFiles%\Team17\Worms Armageddon\" as the installation directory. For the purposes of this article, <APPDIR> refers to the installation directory chosen by the user, as a string.
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 This process is not logged into INSTALL.LOG . Beware.
- Jump up ↑ By default the group name is "Team17\Worms Armageddon"
- Jump up ↑ The message is: "The program are you trying to install was not designed for your operating system. The program may not work properly. Press YES if you want to download a patch for Windows XP/2000 or NO to finish the installation process."
External links
- Official webpage of Worms Armageddon Trygames release. Archived from the original on 2007-11-20.