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(Up to People)

ManiacOfMadness (MoM for short) is one of the youngest guys around the Worms community.


MoM is a casual #wormer.
The reason he got into #worms was the WormNet problem he had due to unknown reasons,
(after a month or the problem turned to be his PC's BIOS).
worMatty, after being told his problem,
told him to go to #worms and tell CyberShadow his problem in detail.
While waiting CyberShadow to fix his problem, he started communicating with the others.
Since then, he sticked to the IRC channel, and,
after solving his WormNet problem by updating its PC BIOS,
he played online for his first time (2008).
MoM can be always found in #worms,
except if his internet is cut for some reason.

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