Advanced WormKit

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Revision as of 15:17, 17 December 2013 by Zexorz (Talk | contribs) (Changed download link & deleted source code link (has been los forevert))

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(Up to Software, WormKit)
Advanced WormKit
Start Screen ;)
Start Screen ;)
Developer: ZexorZ
Latest version: 1.4 - April 22th, 2013
Supported games: W2, W:A and WWP
Platform(s): Windows
Language: Visual Basic 2010
License: Open-source
Website: Discussion thread
Download: Program

Advanced WormKit is a GUI interface which allows a user to quickly activate or deactivate WormKit modules before starting Worms Armageddon or Worms World Party or Worms 2.

Installation and notes

Follow the installer.

Recognized executables are:
Worms 2: frontend.exe, frontend2.exe ....... frontend6.exe
Worms Armageddon: WA.exe, WA2.exe ....... WA6.exe
Worms World Party: WWP.exe, WWP2.exe ....... WWP6.exe


Besides the main feature, this Advanced WormKit module loader allows choosing between several W2, WA and WWP executables (see the Installation and notes section) and recognizes their version. It also automatically closes itself while Worms is running.

Future plans

A WormKit module downloader is planned, and more suggestions can be contributed by users in the discussion thread.