What You Can Do

From Worms Knowledge Base

Revision as of 17:06, 15 August 2010 by CyberShadow (Talk | contribs)

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If you would like to leave your mark on Worms Armageddon and its community, here's a list of things with which we could use your help!

Proof-read the original game manual!

The next Beta version will contain an errata of the bloops contained in the original game manual. You can help by spotting more errors and providing corrections.

The above-mentioned beta is already out, but if you can find more errors, let us know!

Contribute to the wiki!

The Worms Knowledge Base needs your help to become the ultimate resource for 2D-Worms information! Click the link above to see what you can do.

Help with translation!

You can help making the game more accessible to the people of your land! Click above to find out more about how you can help with localisation.

Help other users!

There's a #Help channel on WormNET - unfortunately, not many people can afford the time to keep an eye on it all the time. If you spend a lot of time at your computer and don't mind being distracted periodically to answer questions, you're welcome to do just that in #Help. Please read the Help channel guide before getting started.

Help with 3rd-party projects!

If you are a programmer, check out the Community software ideas page.