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(Up to WormKit)
Developer: Pisto
Latest version: 0.5
Supported games: W:A
Language: C
Licence: Partially open-source
Download: wkRubberWorm.rar

RubberWorm (or wkRubberWorm) is a module for WormKit that can modify parts of the Worms Armageddon physics to create WormPot-like effects, and adapts some features of wkMagic Map Wizard to the latest version of the game.

RubberWorm's effects are applied to the game when certain scheme settings are set to certain values. These settings are normally unused, such as crate probabilities for superweapons. As such, only an external scheme editor can create schemes that will enable RubberWorm effects.

General Info


As any WormKit module, it has to be placed with the WormKit files in the W:A main folder, and the game must be run through WormKit.exe instead of WA.exe. Changes are applied only when using special schemes with some altered bytes.

Network play

Each modification is activated by some bytes in the scheme file (for letting net-play between clients with the module and without). Those bytes (crate probability of some super-weapons) are unused by W:A. All the players in a network game with any of the features of RubberWorm active must have the same version of the dll or they are likely to desynchronize quickly, because there's no backward compatibility system.

Antivirus issue

Some antivirus programs may treat RubberWorm (as well as Wormkit) as a virus. It is a false alarm: it happens because RubberWorm uses some technique and Dlls abused by malware too.

Source code

wkRubberWorm is written in C, and a part of the source code, lacking of addresses and structs (as wkMagic), is public for demonstrative purpose. Download


Worms that bounce
The first purpose of RubberWorm. Every time a worm hits an object or the terrain (in any direction), it bounces off of it. If it's during a rope roll, it can continue roping, and it never gets fall damage or lose the turn.

The feature is always off if the worm is flying for a jump. "How much" do the worm bounce can be set.

Gravity modifications
Gravity can be made stronger or weaker, eliminated or even reversed (objects fall to the roof). In the last case, a worm can stand on its head and shoot, but walking is obviously buggy; if an object encounters no obstacle and flies into the sky, when it reaches a certain heigth it's sent to water, because otherwise it would block the game indefinitely.
Central gravity
Aka black hole mode. Gravity points to the center of the map, or outside from it (centrifugal gravity). Both these modes can be proportional or costant gravity: the first means that the gravity force is stronger near the middle of the map, the second means the distance from the center doesn't matter, gravity is the same for all objects.

In black hole mode, the object may either start a steady orbit or fall in the middle of the map and never stop flying: to avoid the first case objects that don't explode after some seconds (like worms, mines, crates and barrels) have a very small air viscosity value (see below); for the second case, objects nearer than 15 pixel to the center are sent to water. In centrifugal mode instead, to avoid infinite flying there's something like what happens with reversed gravity. The strength of the gravity can be set.

Air viscosity
Objects moving in air lose speed up to a steady velocity, determined by gravity and wind (imagine throwing a rock in the water). This sort of friction is applied to only objects or worms too, but never to objects that already have this viscosity value (such as parachuting worms or a letters of the mail strike) or crates, graves and barrels. It is adjustable: a value of 63 makes the air pasty as water.
Wind influence
Like air viscosity, it can be applied to only objects or worms too, but never to those objects (like bazooka) that are already influenced by wind or crates, graves, barrels. How much the wind moves the objects is adjustable.
Anti worm sink
If activated, worms that are going to sink are teleported, without losing the turn, to the last position where it has stood at least for a moment. If, after being teleported, the worm can't stand again somewhere and falls again into water (for example, if the terrain has been destructed by a weapon), it drowns normally.
Crate finder
Typing /arrows in the in-game chat, arrows pointing to crates pop up, like in missions and trainings. This is the only feature that can be used also when the other players do not have Wormkit and wkRubberWorm, and for this reason (it gives a little advantage) they are adviced of it when someone starts using this feature, with a chat message.