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Revision as of 08:11, 17 July 2024 by Qwertyxp2000 (Talk | contribs) (unsure if spelling is as is in-game or someone misspelling it)

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(Up to Game logic)


Depending on the scheme, stockpiling can be on (crescent), anti (decrescent), or off. Unlimited weapons are never lost or earned by stockpiling.

Stockpiling modes

  • Stockpiling off, Your ammo is restocked each round but any items remanining from the last round are lost. I.e. using or collecting weapons during a round will have no effect on your arsenal for the next round.
  • Stockpiling on, Receive new ammo stocks on each round and keep remaining items from the previous round. I.e. by saving ammo you will have more for the next round.
  • Stockpiling anti, You only get one set of ammo and it has to last the entire match! The scheme One of Everything acts as a good example for this mode.

This article has a to-do list:
  • add strategy tips for the on and anti modes
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