Talk:Ninja Rope

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Revision as of 14:30, 23 September 2020 by FoxHound (Talk | contribs) (A page just for rope tricks)

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A page just for rope tricks

I know that there are already some sites that have a lot of gifs and explanations to do Rope Tricks, but considering that Blame The Pixel is dead and some past WO sites do not work, nlF and Xpert Roping Tutorial might fade away with time. Also, I think this wiki is the perfect place to teach people how to do the tricks, even though many gifs might be too heavy. Note that schemes envolving tricks are becoming more and more common, not only Trick Race that have a lot of maps and fans, but I've seen wxw maps with tricks and even Worms Basketball maps with tricks. Tricks are very important to Worms community. A page called "Rope tricks" could also atract more roping scheme players to this wiki... I don't know so much about the tricks, but I believe at least a stub could be done and some basic tricks like Spike or Shadow should be there, since they are very useful and simple tricks and some small gifs wouldn't hurt, I believe. --FoxHound (talk) 00:03, 23 September 2020 (UTC)