LeTotalKiller's Scheme Editor

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Revision as of 22:47, 17 November 2013 by LeTotalKiller (Talk | contribs) (V1.3.2: A couple of minor bugfixes.)

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(Up to Software)
Scheme Editor
Developer: LeTotalKiller
Latest version: 1.3.2 - November 17th, 2013
Supported games: W:A
Supported W:A version: 3.5 Beta 1+ (sch creating/editing); 3.0+ (sch uploading/viewing)
Language: PHP, some JS
License: Source-available: [1]
Website: [2]

This is a web scheme editor for the W:A schemes, also compatible with RubberWorm features.

Main Features

  • Scheme Creation, of course. The existing logging system being French only, a password system has been put in place for safe scheme editing. (v0.1.0)
    • RubberWorm settings are shown in a separate section, so browsing on WKB which crate probability that has to be edited to have this or that setting enabled, or creating the scheme in several steps (external editing if any, creating an "online" offline game, typing commands, starting the game, extracting the scheme file from the resulting replay file) won't be necessary. (v0.1.0)
    • It is possible to choose whether or not to save the future scheme on the server. (In v0.1.0, they always were saved on the server; v1.2.4 added the ability to refuse that.)
    • It is possible to create a scheme based on the already existing ones in the database. (v1.1.0)
  • Upload a scheme, if the user already created a scheme and doesn't want to bother recreating it with the create scheme form. There again, there's a password system. (v0.3.0)
    • The uploaded scheme can be fine-tuned before it is published or before downloading it back without publishing. (v1.3.0)
  • It is possible to edit a scheme after it has been uploaded or created. As mentioned above, there is a password system to prevent people from editing others' scheme. (v1.0.0)
    • Scheme Replacing (with an uploaded file) is an alternative to scheme editing. (v1.3.0)
  • A scheme list, so others' creations can be downloaded. (v0.4.0)
    • Scheme settings can also be previewed before downloading the scheme. (v0.7.0)
  • Ability to attach example replays to a scheme that is going to be uploaded to the database, or to an existing scheme in the database. They're then downloadable from the scheme list (after approval if the author decided that he has to approve replays first). (introduced in v0.5.0, improved in v0.6.0)
  • Schemes can be commented by other users. (v1.2.0)
  • The editor is multilingual; at the moment it can be used in the following languages:
    • English (since v0.1.0, and with minor improvements by Clown in v0.6.0a; continuously maintained by the author);
    • French (since v0.1.0; continuously maintained by the author);
    • Dutch (partially since v1.0.2 and completely since v1.1.0, with translations updates provided by Piki1802 and Paperfold).

Future Plans

This small web application has all features one would expect from a basic scheme editor. However here are features the author would like to add:

  • Give this editor a name.
  • A Logging System, different from the website's French-only one.
  • Scheme Reviewing by an experienced and objective-enough staff (its members will have to be selected carefully) and Scheme Rating by users.
  • Possibly add some random generation (weapons only/game settings only/crates probabilities/single-setting/all?).
  • Possibly implement wkMagic and v3.0 compatibility (the latter already exists when uploading or viewing a scheme, but not when creating or editing one).
  • For a bigger to-do list, see the issues list on GitHub.

What Users Can Do

Users are welcome to:

  • Help in finding a name to this scheme editor.
  • Suggest a better design to the editor.
  • Contribute new translations: if someone wants to contribute one, he should contact LeTotalKiller on #worms, on WormNET, on Team17 forums or on TUS forums (the translation file has already been sent to three people to contribute Spanish, Hungarian and German translations; the Dutch translation is completed). He will then send the translation file.
  • Suggest features and improvements.
  • Report any bugs they find.