List of chat commands

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Revision as of 13:10, 1 August 2010 by Explorer09 (Talk | contribs) (Used in game: + /red /blue ...etc)

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The list is incomplete

Used anywhere

/me <message>

Sends an 'action' message to all players. The message will appear white in the WormNET channel, green in other places.

Example: /me says hello. gives one of the following to everyone:

YourName says hello.(Everyone in lobby or LAN screen)
* YourName says hello. *(Everyone in WormNET channel)
YourName says hello.
(Everyone in game)

/msg <player name> <message>

Sends a private message to a specific player.

Example: /msg John some message results in:

*John* some message(You in frontend)
<YourName> some message(John in frontend)
*John* some message
(You in game)

Note that in WormNET channel the square brackets [] are used instead of angular brackets <> shown above.

Used in WormNET channel


Displays the following:

A list of available commands.

/msg <nickname> messagetext   ( Allows you to send a message to a specific channel member )
/away messagetext   ( Send this message text to anyone sending you a message )
/away   ( Clears the away message )
/me actiontext   ( Sends you a message to show you have performed an action )
/ignore <nickname>   ( Ignores user, or clears ignores if nickname omitted )
/time   ( Display the time and date both locally and GMT )

/ignore <player name>

Ignores a player in WormNET. Ignored players will have their nickname appear red in the nickname list.

Example: /ignore John ignores the player named John.

/unignore <player name>

Un-ignores a player in WormNET.

Example: /unignore John


Displays the current time.

The current local time is 23:14:27, and the date is 11/24/24
The current world (GMT) time is 23:14:27, and the date is 11/24/24

Used in lobby

/url (Alias: /u)

For the game host only. Displays and copies a wa://address-of-host URL into the clipboard, which can be used by other players to join the game directly.


For the game host only. Enables BattyRope. (Rope will stay connected during other players' turns.)

/150 (Aliases: /fast, /speed)

For the game host only. Enables 150% speed. (Everything in-game go 50% faster.)

/ts (Alias: /test)

For the game host only. Enables TestStuff.

Used in game

/anon <message>

Sends an anonymous message to all players. The message will appear yellow.

Example: /anon I'm nobody! Who are you? gives the following to everyone:

[I'm nobody! Who are you?]

/afk (Alias: /away)

Away from keyboard. The game will automatically skip your turns while this mode is activated. If enabled during worm placement, the worm will be automatically teleported to a random spot.

While you are Away, your turns will be automatically skipped.

Pressing any key will stop this mode, you should do so when you return.

/red, /blue, /green, /yellow, /magenta, or /cyan

Sends a message to your allied players. The message will appear in the same colour as your alliance. You cannot send messages to teams you're not allied with using this command.


/red Hello to the red teams.
/blue and the blue teams.
<<YourName>> Hello to the red teams.
(Players in red alliance will receive this message)
<<YourName>> and the blue teams.
(Players in blue alliance)

(To be confirmed: If a player have two teams in different colours, will he be able to send messages to both alliances?)

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