Fall Damage

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Revision as of 18:06, 9 July 2010 by FoxHound (Talk | contribs) (replay box)

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(Up to Game logic)

There really is no maximum fall damage — there's a maximum vertical speed, and it's normally at this impact speed that the highest fall damage is reached. With TestStuff5, there's no maximum speed. The maximum fall damage with TestStuff5 should be 32767/18 = 1820 (at extremely high speeds the damage will be pseudo-randomized due to integer truncation, but it'll always be <= 1820). [1]

Fall Damage Formulas

Here is the exact formula, in BASIC parlance:

FDCOEF = (FDBYTE * 50) mod 256

DAMAGE = INT(((VSPEED - 8 + 1/65536) * FDCOEF + 18) / 18)

VSPEED is the vertical speed at impact in pixels per frame. The normal maximum for this 32. So using the standard values for everything: DAMAGE = INT(((32 - 8 + 1/65536) * 50 + 18) / 18) = 67

Note: With a value of FDCOEF=0, this formula gives a DAMAGE=1. However, W:A treats this as an exception — FDCOEF=0 disables fall damage completely.

Here is the reverse formula, covering values of FDPERCENT ranging from 0 to 508 in increments of 4: FDBYTE = ((FDPERCENT / 4) * 41) mod 128

Before Deadcode's fixes, W:A used to use this formula instead: DAMAGE = INT((VSPEED - 7) * FDCOEF) / 18 This yields a standard max fall damage of 69 instead of 67.

Activation "failure"

Click to watch (W:A + Beta Update required) W:A replay: A demonstration about
Fall Damage's activation with 508% of damage.
Download · Info

An intentional feature added by Team17 makes the worms not take additional fall damage right after they've been blasted by an explosion above them (because FD works basing in the velocity, not in distance). Without this feature, a lot more inconsistency from damage taken from explosions would happen. The consequence of this is that the Fall Damage is not activated at the time when the worm hits the land after a blast. Note that the "land" means anything that is related to terrain or map (including walls) and it only happens with explosions. Punches or other types of attacks activates the fall damage normally.