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== External links ==
== External links ==
== See also ==
* [[Poison]]

Revision as of 18:50, 9 July 2010

(Up to Weapons)
Suicidebombicon.png Suicide Bomber
Type: Suicide
Keyboard selection: F4 (x4)
Standard effects: Worm blows itself up
Present in: Worms 2, W:A, WWP
Power settings
Worms 2 199 px ? hp no
WA, WWP 61 29? 5 hp
Power is uneditable.
Poison measured in health loss per turn.

The Suicide Bomber weapon will detonate your worm, leaving a cloud of poisonous gas (W:A/WWP only).

Suicide Bomber in W:A and WWP

When a worm uses Suicide Bomber, it explodes where it is with the power of a Shotgun shot and neighboring worms would become sick.

Suicide Bomber in Worms 2

In Worms 2, if **suicidebomber** (case-sensitive) is typed, followed by backspace, the Kamikaze will be replaced by the Suicide Bomber, although the icon does not change. The Suicide Bomber in Worms 2 has a much bigger explosion than the W:A and WWP counterparts, however it has no poison.

External links

See also

Jet PackLow GravityFast WalkLaser SightInvisibilityBazookaHoming MissileMortarHoming PigeonSheep LauncherGrenadeCluster BombBanana BombBattle AxeEarthquakeShotgunHandgunUziMinigunLongbowFire PunchDragon BallKamikazeSuicide BomberProdDynamiteMineSheepSuper Sheep (Aqua Sheep)Mole BombAir StrikeNapalm StrikeMail StrikeMine StrikeMole SquadronBlow TorchPneumatic DrillGirderBaseball BatGirder Starter PackNinja RopeBungeeParachuteTeleportScales of JusticeSuper Banana BombHoly Hand GrenadeFlame ThrowerSalvation ArmyMB BombPetrol BombSkunkPriceless Ming VaseFrench Sheep StrikeMike's Carpet BombMad CowsOld WomanConcrete DonkeyIndian Nuclear TestArmageddonSkip GoSurrenderSelect WormFreezePatsy's Magic BulletCrate ShowerCrate SpyDamage x2Double Turn TimeHoming Cluster BombHoming Air StrikeConfused Sheep StrikeCloned SheepNuclear BombGrenade LauncherSheep-on-a-RopeChainsawAbout this imageWeapon navbox.png